His fangs scraped either side of my clit as he started to move back down to my throbbing core. “Gladly.”
The tip of his tongue traced my center.
“More,” I begged.
“You’ll take what he gives you.” Alek’s deep voice was so filled with desire I barely recognized it.
I begged him with my eyes, but he wasn’t relenting.
Beside me, Kingston unzipped his pants, his voice gravelly and his words harsh. “If any of you don’t want to see me jerking off and covering our girl in my cum, you better walk the fuck away right now. I won’t stop once I start.”
My nipples tightened so fast I cried out. And when Kingston’s hand left his thick cock and came to the collar of my T-shirt, I arched into him.
“Ah, ah, ah, little wolf. You’ll move when we want you to move. Now hold still, or I’ll make one of them keep you down.” Noah’s warm breath brushed across my overheated and sensitive flesh, amping up my need even more.
I took a moment to collect myself and locked gazes with Kingston as he tore my shirt straight down the middle. I would need a whole new wardrobe if things kept going like this. Alek curled one of his thick fingers around the center of my bra and tugged, the burn of lace sharp and hot as it tore in two.
“That was expensive,” I panted.
Alek’s grin stretched. “Put it on my tab.”
I was going to retort, but a talented tongue connected with my clit and sent all my focus straight there. I cried out, Alek still holding my face in his hand, Kingston running his palm over my belly, between my breasts, and back. And then there was Caleb, I couldn’t see him, but I knew he hadn’t left. I could feel him. Sense him. Fuck, I could smell him.
Just when I thought I couldn’t take another assault on my senses, Noah slid two fingers inside me, curling them as though beckoning me as his tongue played with the swollen bundle of nerves at the apex of my thighs.
I cried out, feeling like a creature born only of need.
Noah worked me faster, bringing me right to the brink before pulling away.
“No,” I moaned, trying to jerk my head toward him, but Alek held me hostage. “You bastard,” I whined.
“You’ll love me again in a minute.” Noah’s tender promise made me wish my hands weren’t currently being restrained by a naked werewolf.
“We’ll see about that,” I protested.
But he was right, because the instant Noah slid deep inside me, I loved him. I shuddered and came as soon as the tip of his cock kissed my womb.
At the feel of his torturously slow thrusts, I blindly reached out, running one hand up Kingston’s thigh and the other curling around Alek’s waist before sliding down and grasping his firm ass.
Alek sucked in a sharp breath and kicked his hips forward just enough that his swollen cock nudged my cheek from where the monster was restrained behind his fly. Magic brushed over my skin as he removed his clothes.
He widened his stance, allowing my hand to traverse between those two sculpted globes to reach between his legs, and he moaned as my fingers brushed his heavy balls.
“You fucker, you could have done that to my bra.”
“It’s not nearly as satisfying.”
I glared at him, but he ran the tip of his length over my lips, leaving a bead of sticky precum behind. I licked it off and moaned at the burst of flavor.
“How do you taste so good?”
He smirked down at me. “I’m a god, remember? Ambrosia has to come from somewhere.”
I was pretty sure he was lying, but also, who the fuck cared?
Noah continued his slow, toe-curling thrusts while Kingston grabbed my hand and pressed my palm to his hard dick. The deep rumbled groan he let out sent a wash of pride through me. It was difficult to keep track of every sensation these men evoked, especially once my orgasm started to build.
They might be working together to make me come undone, but I was doing the same for them. I could hear it in the hitch of Caleb’s breath and feel it in the increasingly wild pump of Noah’s hips. The agonized groan from Alek as he slid the tip of his massive cock past my lips tapped into something primal inside me. But it was with the feral grunt from Kingston as each barbell piercing his shaft ran across my palm that I truly lost myself.