“Why now?”
“The battle between heaven and hell is eternal, like a game of chess where each strategic move can have catastrophic consequences. Their fight for souls acts like a pendulum constantly swinging back and forth. The balance between them is always shifting, and recently it tipped again. Things are changing. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.”
“But... which side are we on? We’re not exactly heaven’s favorites.”
Caleb let out a dark chuckle. “If you don’t know what side you’re on, you shouldn’t be here.”
She practically melted into her chair at the tone of his voice. I felt a little sorry for her, but her question had merit.
“What are we supposed to do then? Kill them?” I called out, not bothering to raise my hand. “Douse them with holy water?”
“Miss Fallon, you’ll hold your tongue unless I give you permission to speak.”
His chastisement was harsh and cut across me like a whip’s lash. I’d missed him.
“Excuse me, Father, but it’s a little naive of you to assume we will just know how to fight them. If you’re going to scare the shit out of us, I think the least you can do is give us a few pointers.”
“That’s exactly what I’ll be doing, Miss Fallon. Patience is a virtue. Has no one ever told you that?”
I should have been embarrassed. A few months ago, I wouldn’t have baited him. But that was before I knew how much my disobedience turned both of us on. And doing it here, surrounded by people when he couldn’t punish me for it... well, it was a bit like throwing gasoline on a fire.
“Oh, I’ve heard it. But I prefer instant gratification. It’s so much more satisfying, and life is too short to spend it hanging on the edge.”
“That’s quite enough from you. I’ll see you for your session this evening, and if you keep mouthing off, it’ll be every night this week.”
Excitement built in my belly. I could keep this going and get all the time with him I wanted. But Alek leaned in and whispered in my ear, “You’re poking the bear in front of everyone. Wait until you have him to yourself so they don’t catch on, Sunny.”
Spoilsport. Didn’t he realize the potential for getting caught was half the fun? But he was right. I didn’t mind getting myself into trouble, but Caleb was another matter.
With a huff, I settled back into my seat. “Sorry, sir,” I grumbled.
The flare of hunger in Caleb’s eyes at the honorific had me filing it away for later use.
“Now, as I was saying, and as Miss Fallon so helpfully brought to the class, you’ll need to be prepared to fight. These hellspawn are vicious—some beasts, others tricksters, and many as beautiful as angels. They were born to manipulate you, to feed on your sins and use them against you. Magic is of no use against them, except for temporary containment. The only way to send them back to hell is to kill them.”
“But won’t they just come back?” I called out, still not raising my hand and earning a sharp look from him once more.
“Aye, they will. Evil always does. But our goal isn’t to end them for eternity. It is to stop them from overrunning the mortal plane. Keep them at bay. Stay alive.”
I swallowed. This sounded like we were playing a losing game.
“So if hell’s demons are on the loose, where is heaven’s army? Why is this even our problem?”
That came from Kingston, and I was surprised he’d piped up. He’d perfected the ‘everything is beneath me, and this is a massive waste of my time’ expression long ago. I don’t think I’d ever seen him willingly participate in class unless it was a physical assignment.
“People are dying all around you, Mr. Farrell. What part of that sounds like it isn’t your problem when next time it could very easily be you?”
He shrugged. “People die every day.”
“And so you continue to prove exactly how self-absorbed you are. For a future Alpha, I’d expect your concern for others to be greater, Mr. Farrell. How disappointing for your pack and your mate to have a leader who cares so little.”
Shots fired. I was used to being on the receiving end of Caleb’s tongue lashings, but this was the first time I’d seen him eviscerate someone else. I winced in sympathy.
Kingston growled low in his throat. “I’d die to protect them. And her.”
“Care to prove that point?”
“Name the time.”