I pushed him away, too concerned about why he thought I might be in heat. Maybe it was because Alek had just spent the last twenty-four hours vigorously fucking me until I was boneless in his arms. I’d showered. I gave a cursory sniff.

“I’m not in heat. I was just... worked up after fighting that demon with him.”

Alek leaned in and winked. “My people call it the bloodlust. When it takes hold... well, if we’re not fighting, we’re fucking.”

That sounded about right to me. My blush deepened. I wasn’t sure why I was feeling so exposed all of a sudden, casually talking about having sex with both of them out in the open like this. It felt too... normal. I didn’t trust it.

“Maybe that’s what it was for you, Nordson. But not for her. Sunday is a wolf, not a Novasgardian.”

“She’s still a warrior. You should have seen her yesterday,” he said, his eyes raking over me and burning with pride, “she was utterly fearless.”

“I wish I’d been there. She wouldn’t have had to fight at all. I could’ve defended her like a mate should.”

I knew the blow landed because Alek flinched.

“Alek killed that thing with his bare hands, Kingston. Trust me, he did just fine protecting me all on his own.”

Kingston wrapped his large palm around my shoulder and tugged me closer. “I can’t believe I wasn’t there for you. It... I shouldn’t have left.”

That softened me. He might’ve been taunting Alek, but it was only because he’d been scared for me and beating himself up about not being there.

“Stop,” I said softly, cupping one of his cheeks with my free hand. “I’m right here. I’m safe. You don’t need to get twisted up about this.”

“Isn’t that one of the perks of this poly thing you guys have going on?” Moira asked, drawing our attention back to her. She resumed braiding the butt-length oil-slick colored hair she’d chosen that morning, speaking as if it should be obvious. “I mean... one of you can always be there for her. Picking up the slack, or whatever. We all know a guy on his own is pretty much doomed to fail. It’s inevitable. But four guys”—she pursed her lips—“seems like that could be the recipe for perfection.”

Kingston snarled at the implication that he was said slack, but Alek seemed to think she made an excellent point. Except there weren’t four of them right now. One was decidedly absent. And the other...

Caleb sat beside the headmistress, his broody gaze trained right on me. As soon as our eyes collided, he looked away. I sucked in a sharp breath at the zing of attraction that one simple action sent through me. He didn’t want me to know he’d been staring, and with his vampire hearing, he probably heard every word we’d just said. Which meant he had to know about Alek... and he didn’t look happy about it.

An eerie silence fell throughout the audience as a spell cloaked every one of us. I knew without trying that I wouldn’t be able to speak and be heard.

Madame le Blanc stood, her crimson velvet gown seeming a little extra if I was being honest. Especially with the matching feathered fascinator she had pinned into her hair. God, she looked like a character straight out of a Gothic horror film. I half expected a British aristocrat to ask for my hand in marriage just so he could lock me up in his creepy old mansion.

A small smirk lifted my lips. Technically, Noah fit that bill.

“Bonsoir, students. I apologize for interrupting your schedules, but as you have probably heard, Ravenscroft has come under attack.” Her intense stare raked across the crowd, and I didn’t think it was my imagination that it lingered a little longer than necessary on me. “Yesterday, a demon was summoned right here in our library, where he then went on to kill two of your peers and maim one other. I take this assault as a personal affront. It is my sacred duty to keep you all safe while you matriculate. To that end, we will be conducting an investigation on campus. Magic abilities will be held under strict lockdown until we find the culprit. That includes in your rooms as well as common spaces.”

Moira shot me a stricken glance over Alek’s bulk. Her eyes were wide with panic as she stroked her long braid. “My hair,” she mouthed.

Leave it to Moira to miss the point entirely.

“As some of you witnessed, two of our students heroically took down the demon, vanquishing him from the library and saving countless lives.”

I squirmed. We’d done that and fucked like wild animals right after.

“Sunday Fallon and Alek Nordson, we are in your debt. I have little doubt many more would have fallen without your bravery. There is no way to repay such actions, so I humbly offer you my vow. If you ever find yourself in need, call on me, and if it is within my power to help, I shall without question.”

I could feel the eyes of every single person in that room fall on us. I slouched low in my chair, hating the attention.

“The wards will be strengthened, and we’ve already begun the task of tracking the trail of the summoner,” Caleb said, standing with hands crossed in front of him. The picture of piety. “Until they are found and punished, a strict curfew will also be enforced.”

I could feel the collective but silent groan from my classmates.

“That includes leaving school grounds. Everyone must be in their rooms by ten p.m. No exceptions.”

Madame le Blanc chimed in. “Any classes held after curfew will be rescheduled or suspended for the time being. That goes for extracurricular activities as well. Please check your personal emails for further details.”

She stared down at me, and the weight of her gaze had my heart racing. I wondered if extracurricular meant sex, because we didn’t have any sports teams or school clubs. “You are all dismissed. Please return to your dorms to begin our first night of curfew.” The spell lifted, and hushed voices returned to the air around us at once. “Mademoiselle Fallon, a word.”