I opened my mouth to protest. After all, I’d just seen her crunching away on a bag of pistachios, but then her joke landed. “Goodbye, Moira.”

“I hope you come back alive!” she called after me as I left the room. “Also, bring me some more pistachios from the dining hall if you get a chance.”

Shaking my head, I closed the door behind me and headed for the stairs. I caught my reflection in the shiny elevator doors and laughed. Pleated skirt—plaid, of course—white button-up with a Peter Pan collar, even a little tie and headband that matched the skirt. And then there were the stockings. They were navy blue to match my blazer, but instead of coming to my knees, they stopped just above them. The outfit was completed by a pair of heeled Mary Janes—patent leather, shiny, and way too sexy to be acceptable for a uniform.

“Good God, Moira. You need to stop watching Gossip Girl reruns.”

I did a little twirl, kind of in love with the overall effect. I’d never pick anything like this out for myself, but I had to admit, the look packed a punch.

I raced down the stairs, all too aware of the air brushing against my thighs under the far-too-short skirt. Especially once I stepped outside and onto a campus buzzing with activity as students milled around between their evening classes.

The sky had darkened to a deep blue velvet as the sun finally sank below the horizon. It seemed obvious to me now that nighttime would be when a lot of students had more energy, even those who could walk in the sunlight. We were creatures granted more power by the moon. All of us. But when I’d first arrived, I’d been operating on an almost human schedule. That’s what happens when you live seven years of your life in a fortress cut off from the rest of the supernatural world. You forget what normal is.

I hurried through the quad, smiling as Derek caught my eye where he was playing American football with other members of his pack. Then I spotted a familiar blond head.Alek. My smile froze when I saw the sexy valkyrie beside him, and a tendril of jealousy worked its way through me. She was demonstrating something with her wings, posing for my Novasgardian. It wasn’t until she ruffled them that she and I both noticed his attention had shifted from her to zero in on me.

His lips curled in a knowing smile, and I realized my jealousy must be evident in my expression.

He tilted his head, gesturing for me to come to him, but I quickly shook mine in response. I couldn’t keep Madame le Blanc waiting.

Striding toward the main hall, my skirt swished with each sway of my hips, but I didn’t allow myself to look back and see if Alek watched. Even though I wanted to.

I rounded the corner, heels loud on the stone floor. Cool fingers clamped around my wrist, making me cry out in surprise as I was dragged from the hallway and into a small alcove.

“Are ye thinking to tempt me, Miss Fallon? Is that what you’re about in this getup?” Caleb’s Irish was stronger, nearly breathless as he pressed himself against me and spoke quietly.

My eyebrows flew up. “You think this is for you? Narcissistic much?”

“Isn’t it? You fanny about here like you own all our cocks. Funny thing is, I suppose you do. Mine, at least. Even if I try to keep away. There you are, in your short skirt and those damned stockings. You’re probably not even wearing knickers.”

His impassioned rant sent warning bells off in my mind.Has he been drinking?

“Caleb, this isn’t like you. What’s wrong?” I placed a gentle palm on his jaw, my thumb brushing across his full bottom lip.

He groaned and scrubbed a hand over his face and then nuzzled into me, inhaling deeply.

“I fed from a drunkard.”

“On purpose?”

“It was oblivion I was after. To free myself from thoughts ofyou. But I can’t escape you, even now...” He twirled a strand of my hair around his finger, giving it a sharp tug. “You possess me.”

“I’m not... it’s not on purpose. There’s a pull.”


“I should go—”

“With me. If it’s a man you’re looking for, let it be me. I can’t take it any longer. The wantin’ you.” His fingers trailed first over the tops of my stockings and then up until they reached the hem of my skirt. “The needin’ you. You unlocked something inside me, and I can’t get it back in its prison.” His breath was ragged as he dropped his voice even lower. “I don’t think I want to.”

“Caleb,” I whispered. “Stop.”

He stiffened for just a moment, then backed away, his touch gone with the flip of a switch. “So that’s how it is? You only want me when I’m hurting you?”

“I want you all the time, but not like this. Not when you don’t know what you’re doing, and I’m late for a meeting with the headmistress.” I’d been so distracted by him—like always—that I’d forgotten I had my own bone to pick with him. “And also, I’m pissed with you right now for locking up Kingston.”

He snorted, leaning casually against the wall. “The little shite thought he could kill me and get away with it. I won’t be accepting of treatment like that from him or anyone. He earned every fecking day in that well. Not a moment less.”

“Then maybe I won’t let you touch me again until you let him out. That can beyourpunishment.”