

War wasn’t pretty as a rule, but something about this scene called to me, holding me hostage while it forced me to watch with a grim sort of fascination. The epitome of not being able to look away from a train wreck. Except the train was my friends, and there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening.

I hated standing on the sidelines, forced to watch them fight for their lives. I itched to join them, but without my wolf I would only be in the way. So I stayed back, an unwilling sentinel to the chaos.

Something no one ever tells you is that battle has a scent—but not one anyone would ever want to wear. It’s ugly and powerful, darkness blended with the righteous will to survive. The air around me, heavy with magic and rage, held the sharp bite of ozone, tinged with the coppery taste of blood. All mixed with the rancid stench of sulfur. What could have been mistaken for nature’s blend of brutality was corrupted by the unmistakable taint of demonic energy. It covered everything in an oily sheen of evil thick enough I felt it crawling up my throat.

What had started out as a surprise attack quickly turned into an all-out battle. Everywhere I looked, I saw someone I recognized engaged with one of the foul creatures.

My pulse raced, an electric current of anxiety in my veins at the sight of Moira as she hurled a ball of blue flame straight into the chest of an advancing demon. The creature faltered, then exploded into nothing more than ashes. Moira caught my eye and smirked as she mimed dusting off her hands but quickly armed herself once more as another came at her.

“No, dove, you can’t go to her. Don’t even think about it,” Noah warned, his large frame blocking my path.

“I can’t just stand here and do nothing.”

Kingston, still in his wolf form, pounced on a demon who had just torn the arm off one of our classmates. His jaw locked on the beast’s throat, and he tore the flesh with vicious shakes of his head until the demon went limp. My mate was brutal, fierce, and beautifully terrifying. I ached to join him.

“Why did Kingston say you can’t shift?” Noah turned to face me and stared into my eyes.

“I...” But before I could answer him, pain sliced his features, a soft grunt leaving him. “Noah?”

He staggered forward, pushing me into the unfamiliar arms of somebody behind me.

“Take her. Guard her with your life,” Noah ordered, his face twisting into a mask of rage as his fangs snapped down.

“No! Noah—”

“Stop fighting and come with me if you want to live.”

I ceased my squirming, tilting my head back to look up into Chad’s face. Of all the people for Noah to hand me off to, he had to pick the Lord of the Douches? But there wasn’t time for a lengthy debate, and despite my personal dislike of the guy, he was Kingston’s second-in-command.


Chad grasped my elbow and wrenched me hard until I followed without protest. While we seemed to have a focused path, he wasn’t rushing. Why weren’t we running from the scary demons?

“Where are you taking me?”

“Shut up. Do you want them to follow us?” His voice held a note of pure annoyance, the twang of his southern accent coming through. Louisiana maybe? Who cared? The guy was a dick. I really hoped Kingston demoted him. Derek would have been my choice for next in line.

“No.” I shrank into myself at his harsh chastisement. My emotions were still all over the place after the day’s revelations, and I didn’t have it in me to snap back with my usual biting retort.

“Good girl. I didn’t want to have to punish you before we got to the good part.” A chill ran down my spine. “Although from what I’ve heard, you like that.”

I tried to yank my arm out of his hold, not wanting to be with this asshole any longer. “Not with you.”

“Oh, come on, Sunday. I just saved you from a horde of demons. The least you can do is show a little gratitude. We’ll find a nice quiet spot while the fight winds down and you can... show me what your mouth feels like.”

I finally seemed to have found my inner badass because this time, the words came easy. “The only way you’ll get my mouth on you is if I’m biting out your throat, jackass.”

“Oh, she’s feisty. I like it.” He jerked me down a darkened path into the woods. “Keep walking, or I’ll have to carry you. I don’t want anyone to see us until I get what I deserve.”

“Come a little closer, Chad, baby. I’ll give you exactly what you deserve.” My words were all growl, filled with the beast whose form was denied to me because of the child growing in my womb. Somehow, I didn’t think that was going to be a problem. I wanted to tear this guy apart with my bare hands. He was giving me a serious case of the creeps.

We reached a small clearing, and my gut churned as the circle burned into the earth came into focus. In the center, an altar with an athame rested across the stone.

“Chad? What is this?” I hated the wobble in my voice.