Worse still, there was every chance I could be the father which would place the blame for this travesty squarely on my shoulders.

My torment knew no end.

I’d failed.

My God.

My mission.


I wasn’t worthy of redemption, and this proved it beyond all doubt.

With a howl of despair, I tore out of the room and knew there was nowhere on this earth far enough away to protect me from the hell that was about to be unleashed. The Society couldn’t know. Not until I’d explored all options. If they found out, they’d come for her, and it wouldn’t be isolation in the well. It would be death.

I’d failed her completely, but I wouldn’t be the means of her destruction. Not if I could avoid it.

I couldn’t stop the Seer’s blood-soaked visions from coming to pass.

But fuck if I wasn’t going to try.