“There’s a bed.”

I chuckled, hands cupping her ass, dick still half hard and inside her. “Round two?”

She grinned. “This time I want to be on top.”

I went from half hard to fucking stone at the thought. “Yes, ma’am.”

I wokewith Sunday in my arms, contentment unlike anything I’d ever felt filling me. At first I didn’t know what woke me, but as I laid there with her sleeping peacefully beside me, I felt an inexplicable need to explore.

I trailed my fingertips across her cheek, tracing her perfect lips before murmuring, “I love you. I didn’t think I could love anyone until you made me yours.” I slid out of the bed, whispering, “I’ll be back, beautiful.”

If I’d stopped to think about why I felt the need to explore a magical room on the bottom floor of a sex club, I might have been a little more hesitant, but I couldn’t explain why I felt such an intense pull. Only that I knew something was waiting for me. And this place was a sanctuary to all who came in search of their deepest desires. Nothing could happen to us here. The only real danger was losing yourself to the pleasure until you starved.

It wasn’t long before I came across a gazebo. Roses and ivy crept up the wooden beams, grown so thick it appeared to be constructed out of nature itself.

This is what I was supposed to find.

I walked up the shallow staircase, discovering a glossy black grand piano in the center of the structure. It stood out in the middle of this earthen garden. Pristine and unmarked by age or abuse. The shafts of moonlight that filtered in through the open sides of the gazebo bounced off the lacquered finish on the perfect instrument. I itched to touch the heavy ivory keys, to run my fingers over their familiar texture.

Music had been my escape for as long as I can remember. A safe place to express the emotions threatening to destroy me. There was only so much I could purge from my system in my wolf form. Even after running myself near to the ground, the anger and pain lingered. Which is where music came in.

For the first time, I didn’t need to purge anything. I wanted to revel in it. I couldn’t help but wonder if it would feel different. Playing when I was happy and to express joy rather than to give a voice to the raw burn of my heartache.

I sat on the bench, my heart pounding with excited anticipation as I closed my eyes and slid my fingers over the keys. Then the music simply began to pour from me, the notes filling the air and floating away on the light breeze running through the garden.

The song was a familiar one, but it felt different now. It sounded... hopeful. No longer dark and ominous, the soundtrack to my broken dreams and shattered heart. My song had been reborn, forged not in heartbreak but in love. It was the one I’d written for Sunday. One I thought she’d never hear.

I sensed her the instant she stepped behind me, her warmth radiating straight to my soul. But when she ran her palms over my shoulders and down my chest, I damn near cried with relief at her touch.

“You don’t have to try to seduce me anymore, King. I’m yours.”

A laugh rumbled through me. “You think this is seduction?”

“You sitting nude at a piano, looking all broody and dark. Yeah. Seduction 101.”

“I was restless. Something called me here.”

“That’s funny. I woke up and you were gone. I followed the music like aural breadcrumbs. Somehow I knew they’d lead me back to you.”

She leaned forward, her hair tickling me as she kissed her mark. A shiver of longing ran through me, causing my cock to jerk and desire to rush to the forefront again.

“Something on your mind?” The teasing note in her voice only added to my rising hunger for her.

“There is now,” I growled, twisting and grasping her hips in my hands before plopping her down on top of the piano. Her heels crashed against the keys sending a flurry of discordant notes ringing out in the night.

“Aw, but the music stopped.”

“We’ll make our own. The way you call out my name is my favorite song.”

I skimmed my palms down her legs, my stomach clenching with anticipation at the sight of her arousal, glossy and beckoning me. My mouth fucking watered at the scent of her. Heady, more wild than usual.

“I thought about you like this a lot. Legs spread for me while I played for you.”

“Oh yeah? What else happened during these fantasies of yours?”

“Usually I was punishing you,” I admitted, still running my hands up and down, fingers drawing closer to her dripping center with each glide but never quite touching.

“Punishing me?”