

My chest felt like it had been carved like a fucking pumpkin. A deep ache blended with the burning pull of tight, slowly healing skin. My meds must have worn off. Fuck. I’d never been hurt like this. Not for this long without being able to shift and heal.

On shaky legs, I shuffled out of my bedroom and into the living space. I’d never been as thankful to have gotten one of the apartment-style dorms as I was now. My pack members shouldn’t have to see me like this unless I wanted them to. I thought about Sunday’s room, small and shared with the witch, and shook my head. No. That would never work in my situation.

Chad looked up as I came into the room. “You shouldn’t be up.”

“I can’t be in that bed.”

“Dude, you look like you’re about to keel over.” He jumped up and made like he was going to grab me, but I glared at him, stopping him in his tracks.

“You touch me, and I’ll knee you in the balls.”

The dickhead had the audacity to smirk. “You really think you have the strength or balance for that?”

“Enough for that.”

He barked out a laugh. “Please be my guest. You’re as weak as a damn pup. I’d love to watch you fall on your ass.”

Fucker might have a point, but I still managed a growl anyway. Sweat dotted my brow, and my knees were starting to wobble. I dared him to say anything as I leaned my back against the wall to help support my weight.

“You need some more meds?”

I shook my head, even though fuck, yes, I did. “It makes my head foggy as shit. My senses are fucked.”


“Well, like right now I smell Sunday, but she hasn’t been here in what, a couple of days?” I looked to Chad for confirmation. It was hard to keep track of time when I kept going in and out of consciousness.

“Yeah, something like that.”

“I should call her. Something might be wrong.” I glanced around the space, searching for my phone. “Where the fuck is my phone?”

“It was smashed in the fight. Fucking obliterated.”


“Besides, she’s fine. She’s been all over Blackthorne. They’re moving in together.”

Wait. What?

“When did that happen?” Jealousy hit me like a lash from a whip.

Chad lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “How the fuck should I know? I’ve been here with you.”

“Then how do you know they’re moving in?”

“I overheard him ask her on my way to the gym when Derek took over for me. She seemed really happy about it. I don’t know why living with a leech would make her happy, but I don’t understand her at all anyway.”

A part of me seethed at the shitty way he was talking about my mate. The other part was too busy being ripped to shreds by irrational jealousy. She was mine every bit as much as his. He shouldn’t have more access to her than I did.

“She’s mine,” I growled without thinking.

“Doesn’t look like it.”

“She wears my mark.”