I cocked a brow. “I’m listening.”

“Alek mentioned you talked with Kingston’s cousin.”

“Dylan, yes.”

“Call him. Tell him what’s happened. Or better yet, call Kingston’s father. The minute Ronin Farrell hears his son is being forced to suffer, he’ll insist she drop the wards.”

“You beautiful genius.”

She beamed. “Thank you. I accept.” Snagging my phone off the charger, she handed it to me. “Go on. I’ll wait.”

I didn’t have Kingston’s father’s number, but I pulled up my newly added contact for Dylan and called him, nerves jangling in every cell.

He answered after three rings, just when I was about to give up. “Hey there, darlin’. To what do I owe this pleasure?”

His warm voice made me smile, setting me at ease, just like it had the last time we spoke. “Bad news. Kingston’s hurt, and he can’t shift and heal himself.”

“Fuck. Are you serious? Why can’t he shift?”

“There have been demon attacks. The headmistress has locked down all magic. None of us can shift.”

“What do you want me to do?” The resolve in his tone comforted me instantly.

“I know you don’t exactly talk to your uncle, but—”

“Consider it done. Your headmistress is in for a rude awakening.”

Relief made me lightheaded, and I sat down with a breathless laugh. “Thank you, Dylan. I know we haven’t met—”

“You’re family. That’s all that matters. Now I best go make that call. I’ll let you know once it’s done.”

He hung up without waiting for me to say goodbye, and I simply sat, staring at the phone, praying he was successful. Kingston was a sitting duck right now, and none of us knew when the next attack was going to happen.


I shrugged. “He’s a cowboy.”

“Just how big is this harem of yours going to get?”

Laughing, I shook my head. “I can’t handle any more than what I have.”

“Uh huh. That’s what you say now, but what happens when the next sexy beast comes into town?”

“Trust me. Four dicks is enough.”

She wrinkled her nose, making me laugh. “Why don’t you get some rest? You look like you’re dead on your feet. I’ll wake you up if anyone calls.”

I laid down on top of my blankets, exhaustion settling over me the moment my head hit the pillow. Before long, the tendrils of sleep wove their way into my mind, taking me under into another kind of torment.

My dreams.