“I promise you’ll never have to.” He kissed me, soft and tender, not demanding anything more than I was willing to give. “I love you. As you are. Simply. Completely. Without limitation.”

Pressing my palm over his chest, I let his heartbeat soothe me just like his words did. “Can we get out of here? I’m ready to be somewhere... else.”

“Of course. Let’s get you home.”

“To yours. I don’t want to be alone.”

A smile spread across his face, pride in his eyes. “Whatever you want, dove. I’m at your mercy.”

After a showerand Noah’s surprise of Eggs Benedict with asparagus, I felt marginally better. Less like I’d just been sucker-punched by one of the men who was supposed to love me, and more like I’d just gone a few rounds with Alek in training. Still sore. Still shaky. But recovering quickly.

“What would you like to do today? I’m at your disposal.” Noah lifted a coffee mug to his lips and watched me carefully.

“Sleep for five years. Can you make that happen?”

Concern drew his brows together. “Are you feeling ill?”

“Just really tired. I think it’s a side effect of the heat ending. For good this time, I hope.”

“Did you call for him? When you went toIniquity?”

I shook my head. “I went to see Lilith. To ask her a question about what I am.”

He raised a brow at that. “What you are?”

“I think... thought, I was part succubus. So I went to the only one I know. She couldn’t give me any answers, but she told me she knew what I needed. A few minutes later, Caleb showed up.”

“Why would you think you were a succubus?”

“These crazy heats, plus the things my mom said in my last dream. It all came to a head after the dream.”

“Show me.”

“I don’t remember much, just a few of the things she said.”

“Show me,” he insisted.

I didn’t actively keep any mental barriers between us anymore, so it was as simple as recalling the parts I did remember while he focused on my mind.

He sucked in a harsh breath and backed away. “Bloody hell, Sunday.”

“What?” Dread slinked down my spine, a cold wash of fear and apprehension.

“I think your mum is Lucifer.”

I laughed out loud. “What? No, she isn’t. That’s ridiculous.”

“The apple, Eden. The things she said.”

“What?” I could feel the color draining from my face. I’d thought he’d been making a joke to make me feel better, but his expression was deadly serious. “I don’t remember any of that.”

“I saw it all. Right there in your mind. I don’t think she can be trusted, Sunday. If she is Luci, she’s the master of all manipulators. You need to try to stop letting her into your mind.”

Nausea clutched at my belly. “I don’t know how to stop her. I’m not exactly in control of my dreams.”

“The witch will know what to do. You need to ask her for help. Anything is better than nothing until we get to the bottom of this.”

“Moira won’t be able to stop this. The last time she tried to help she was pulled into a vision she barely escaped. Plus, her magic is bound the same as the rest of us because of these stupid wards.”