“Do it somewhere else. I’m baking,” Kingston said, never taking his eyes off me.

Kingston stayed and helped us finish cooking the entire meal, serving as official turkey lifter, assistance which Moira appreciated but only grudgingly accepted. And before long, the table was filled with beautiful food and people I loved. I might not have told them all, but I did love them.

Seeing Alek, Noah, and Kingston talking and laughing as they passed food around filled me with joy. It made me so happy to see them working together, acting like friends, not just allies. Family.

My family.

The first one that ever truly accepted me exactly as I was.

My eyes pricked with tears.

“Stop it, you’re going to ruin my casserole,” Moira whispered, giving me a squeeze.

“Shut up, Belladonna. I’m having a moment.”

Moira gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Love you too, babycakes.”

“Stop, or you’re really going to make me cry. And then Ash will be mad at you.”

“Not to mention the rest of us,” Noah added, proving once again just how attuned to me and my emotions he was. I’d thought he’d been deep in conversation with the others, but he’d been completely aware of me too. “None of us like to see tears in your eyes.”

He reached over and squeezed my hand while Moira beamed at her girlfriend, who’d surprised her by showing up for the weekend. I was still patting myself on the back for helping arrange that.

The only person who was missing was my priest. He’d been distant even during our sessions, keeping me out of arm’s reach, barely making eye contact. It stung. I’d dropped off a handwritten invitation a few nights ago, hoping he’d bite, but he clearly wasn't interested. Maybe that night we’d all been together had been too much for him. Had I pushed him too far?

Before I could fall completely down the anxiety spiral, the sound of footsteps at the door had all of us shifting in our seats.

My breath caught. Caleb stood in the doorway, his hair still wet from the shower, dressed formally in a dark suit with a bottle of wine in his hand. “Sorry I’m late. I wasn’t sure what to bring. This is my first Thanksgiving. I didn’t know the protocol.”

“Oh good, the priest is here. We can get the blessing out of the way and start eating,” Kingston said, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Caleb handed me the wine and leaned in, pressing the barest kiss to my cheek.

“I thought you weren’t coming,” I whispered, overcome by emotion.

“I almost didn’t, but then I thought of how sad that might make you. Especially after your sweet letter asking me to join you. I might be a grumpy arse, but I’m not that bad.”

“Here, take my seat,” Moira said, standing and moving around to the end of the long table where the turkey proudly rested.

Just as she sliced down the breast, Alek jerked in his chair, pulling a familiar compact out of his pocket. “Shit, sorry. I need to take this.”

The worry in his eyes robbed us of our lighthearted banter.

“Has anyone else noticed he can still access his magic while the rest of us can’t?” Kingston asked in a low voice.

“His god-power must be stronger than the wards,” Noah said.

Caleb looked concerned by the prospect.

As for me, I was too worried about Alek to care either way. He’d moved away from us, but we had no trouble hearing both sides of the conversation.

“Aunt Quinn? Is everything okay?”

“Alek, listen to me. You need to get as far away from that girl as possible. You need to come home. Right now.”

His gaze shot to me and my gut clenched, appetite gone, heart turned cold.


Just like that, the happy bubble I’d been drifting in popped.

I knew it had been too good to last.