“I’m on watch.”

“Do it from outside,” I demanded. “Sunday might wanna open the present I have for her underneath my sheets.” Did I just say that out loud? From the look on her face, yeah, I sure as shit did.

“Fine. Call if you need me.”

“We won’t. If the bed’s a’ rockin’... ” I couldn’t figure out how to finish that sentence. My brain was too fuzzy.

“Christ,” Chad muttered, but he left.

“There will be no rocking, Kingston. You’re hurt.”

“Swaying then. I’ll lie back, and you just ride me like your prized stallion.”

“Your chest was nearly split open. How are you horny right now?”

I waggled my eyebrows. “God-given talent. I’ll be good. Won’t move at all. You do all the work. Don’t I deserve it after almost dying?”

“You must be feeling better if you’re going for coercion now.”

“It’s because you smell so fucking good.”

She leaned down, and I thought she was going to kiss me, so I closed my eyes. But her lips missed and landed on my cheek.

“You missed,” I grumbled.

“I didn’t.”

I lifted my hand and pointed to my lips. It took a couple tries before I found them. “My kisser is right here.”

Leaning forward, she brushed her lips on mine. Not enough. Not even close.

“I’m so glad you aren’t dead. I was so scared, Kingston.”

Her voice was soft and small. It made my heart twist in my chest. I didn’t like the sound of her fear.

“I’d never leave you. Not even to die.”

“You can’t control that.”

“Yes, I can. I’ll come back as a ghost and fuck you with my big fat ghost dick.”

“Just what I want. Ghost jizz. Sounds fun.” The sarcasm in her voice made me laugh, which hurt like hell.

“It’s less sticky. Just tickles a bit.”

“And you know this how?”

I shrugged. “Everyone knows it.”

“You’re high.”

“So what?” Then another thought occurred to me. “How’s my scar gonna look? Badass?” I tried to glance down my body, but that did not feel good at all. The world dipped like I was on a boat, making my stomach roll.

“Oh, yeah. You’re a real He-Man.”

“I thought you liked scars. Every girl likes scars.”

“I like you whole and healed.”