

Motherfucker, what the hell happened to me?

My chest was on fire, my head throbbed like I’d repeatedly smacked it into a cement wall, and my mouth was drier than the fucking desert.

If I just went ten rounds with a grizzly, why didn’t I remember?

I tried to take a deep breath, to clear my mind, but that hurt like a sonofabitch too. I shifted, trying to alleviate some of the ache, but even that was too much for me. Instead, I let out a groan that was far too weak to have come from me.

A small weight at my side disappeared, and I mourned the loss instantly.

“Kingston? Kingston, are you awake?”

Her voice was frantic. Exhausted. Tinged with desperation.

“Sunshine? What are you doing in my bed? Did you miss me?” Was I drunk? I sounded drunk.

She made a sound halfway between a hiccup and a sob. “No. You almost died, you asshole. You’ve been unconscious for three fucking days.”

“So you missed me.”

“I thought I was going to lose you.”

I let out a happy sigh. “She missed me.”

Fuck, I was definitely on something. I hadn’t felt this zen since that one time Jennifer Tate slipped some molly in my drink at a new moon party.

“How are you feeling?” Sunday asked, her voice finally prompting me to open my eyes.

“Terrible. Where’d the bear come from?”

“Huh?” she asked, her face adorably scrunched. “What bear?”

“The one I was wrestling.”

“You didn’t wrestle a bear.” She glanced behind her. “Did he?”

“It kinda looked like a bear, but bigger and meaner.” Why was Chad in my bed too? I didn’t want Chad in my bed. Only my Sunshine.

Blinking a few times, I saw him standing in the corner, arms crossed over his chest.

“It was a bear.” I made a face and tried to mime claws. “Grrr.”

My Sunshine stared at me in shock and then giggled. “How much of that stuff did you give him?” she asked Chad.

“Enough that he shouldn’t feel any pain for a while.”

“Not enough. So much pain.”

“Can you give him any more?” Sunday’s sweet fingers ran through my hair, easing some of the throbbing in my head.

“Not if you want him to keep breathing.”

“I like breathing. It smells like you, Sunshine. It makes me hard.”

“Uh, I think I’ve got it from here,” she said, flicking her gaze to Chad.