"If I were to splay you out on my desk and thrust my fingers into you right now, I think I'd find different."

Raphael looked up at that instant, his eyes smoldering with an unequivocally sexual heat that said he knew exactly what she was thinking. Holding that gaze, she closed the door and walked to him with slow, intent steps. Instead of stopping when she reached the granite, she jumped up and, sweeping the papers out of her way, swung her legs over the other side, spreading them to bracket him in between.

The archangel put his hands on her thighs. "Again you come to me with nightmares in your eyes."

"Yes," she said, pushing her hands through his hair. "I come to you." It was a trust she'd given no one else.

He squeezed her thighs, pulling her closer with an effortless strength that made her heart race. The Archangel of New York was in a dangerous mood today. Bending down as he lifted up his head, she kissed him. Her dominant position lasted a bare second. A subtle shift in his hold and he had her in his lap, her legs on either side of his, the damp heat between her thighs pressed to the rigid line of his cock.

Gasping at the sudden, electric contact, it took her a second to realize she'd spread her wings over his desk. "I'm messing up your papers," she whispered against lips that had tempted her into the most erotic of sins.

He moved up his hand to close over her breast.

A shock of sensation. Her spine arched.

"I'll take recompense for your misdemeanor in flesh. Are you ready to pay?" A question full of a sensual cruelty that made her survival instincts ripple in fear.

But instead of fighting she relaxed. Raphael, she thought, was more than terrifying enough to banish even the worst nightmare. When his teeth closed over the pulse in her neck, when his hands ripped away her top to leave her upper body bare, she gripped his shoulders and hung on.

Then those strong white teeth moved lower.

Her stomach swirled with an addictive mix of fear and desire. "Raphael."

He flicked out his tongue, one hand on her back, the other plumping up her breast so he could lave the nipple with a slow focus that had her entire body going taut in expectation.

"Are you planning to bite?" It was a husky question.


Hearing the chill in that, she found herself hesitating, even as her body craved his touch.

Was she anywhere near strong enough to take on the Archangel of New York in this kind of a mood?

You're my mate, Elena. You have no choice but to learn.

He was in her mind, slipping in as desire short-circuited her defenses. "Will you ever understand the need for boundaries?" She nipped at his lip, frustrated enough to act on instinct.

His eyes turned to midnight as he lifted his head, his thumb brushing over the peak he'd aroused to throbbing readiness. "No."

"Sorry" - she wrapped her arms around his neck - "you don't get away with autocratic answers with me." And she wasn't going to let her anger drive a wedge between them.

This thing that tied them together - this raw, painful emotion - was worth fighting for.

"And I'm never going to accept being made a puppet. Not by Lijuan, and certainly not by the man I consider mine."

He didn't answer, just watched her with that aloof focus. He'd watched her like that the first time they'd met. Then, she'd been afraid he'd kill her. Now, she knew he wouldn't.

But . . . he might hurt her in ways only an immortal could. She should've backed down -

but she'd never been one to do that.

"What," she said, touching her nose to his in unspoken affection, in a trust that was a fragile thread he could snap with a single careless act, "has you in such a bad mood?"

The scent of the sea swelled, until she could almost touch the foam. The pause, it was full of things unspoken, a gleaming blade hanging over their heads. Sweat broke out along her spine but she continued to hold him, continued to fight for a relationship that had come out of nowhere and become the most important thing in her universe.

Elena.A caress across her mind as he dropped his head to the curve of her neck.

Heart thudding at the knowledge that the danger had passed, she stroked her hands through his hair, nuzzled her face against him. "You have your own nightmares," she said, understanding coming to her in the clarity after the storm. "They were bad today."

Both arms around her, he tugged her even closer. She went, needing the warmth of him as much as he needed her. And wasn't that a kicker? The Archangel of New York needed her? Her, Elena Deveraux, Guild Hunter and unwanted daughter. Squeezing him with a fierce tenderness, she pressed her lips to his temple, his cheek, any part of him she could reach.

"Must be something in the air," she found herself saying in a voice so quiet, it was almost not sound. "I can't seem to stop thinking of my mother, my sisters." It was the first time she'd ever spoken of her nightmares aloud. Even her best friend didn't know the truth of her childhood, of the evil that haunted her until some days she could hardly breathe.

"Tell me their names." Warm breath against her neck, his arms so strong around her.

"You know."

"It's only fact."

"My mother," she said, holding on, holding tight, "her name was Marguerite."

Elena.A mental kiss, his scent enfolding her as protectively as his arms.

Her lip quivered until she caught it between her teeth. "She'd been in the States since she married my father, but she still spoke with a Parisian accent. She was this fascinating, lovely butterfly with her laughter and her quick hands. I used to just love sitting in the kitchen, or in her work room, watching my mother talk as she worked."

Marguerite had made quilts, beautiful one-of-a-kind pieces that had sold for enough money that she'd built up a small nest egg. Nothing in comparison to her husband's fortune, but hers had been passed on to her daughters with love, while Jeffrey . . . "She'd never have let my father do what he did."

"He lives only because I know you love him."

"I shouldn't, but I can't stop myself." That love was rooted too deep, so deep that even years of neglect hadn't snuffed it out completely. "I used to wish he'd died instead of my mother, but I know my mom would've hated me for thinking that."

"Your mother would've forgiven you."

Elena wanted to believe that so much it hurt. "She was the heart of our family. After her death,everything died."

"Tell me of your lost sisters."

"If Mama was the heart, then Ari and Belle were the peace and the storm." They'd left a gaping hole in the Deveraux family when their blood slicked across the floor.