Mine, you are mine.

Raphael's kiss was as earthy as his words, full of masculine possession and a wild, inexorable hunger. Pleasure filled her body, rose through her veins, suffused her pores as he caressed her on every level, as he pushed her tofeel as she'd never before felt, as he took her over.

The peak was a slow climb, a shattering descent. Color exploded in a wild wave but she didn't break, floating with the tide to come home in Raphael's arms.

Raphael held his hunter as her heart slowed, her skin sheened with a fine layer of perspiration. The primal heart of him, the part that urged him to possess her to the core, purred in silent satisfaction.

She was his, would never be anyone else's.

Stroking his hand down her body, he savored the jagged rise and fall of her chest, the low moans that caught in her throat as she reacted to his touch. When her hand rose to cup his cheek, he rubbed against her palm, his fingers tracing the passion-flushed curve of her mouth.

Heavy-lidded eyes looked up at him, silver with desire sated. "I think you've done me in, Archangel."

"I've only begun, hunter." Rising off her, he swung his legs over the side of the bed.

"It's time for our bath."

Elena groaned. "You're torturing me." Her eyes went to the engorged push of his c**k against the tough leather-like material of his pants as he stood, turned to face her. "And yourself."

The sight of her lying so deliciously rumpled in their bed made his body harden impossibly further. "I've learned to savor my pleasures, as I intend to savor you . . . again and again."

Her br**sts flushed as a shiver rippled through her. "I love the way you talk in bed."

Throaty words as she pushed herself up into a sitting position, then shifted until she was on her knees near the edge of the bed. "Come here." A sensual demand.

He'd lived well over a millennium, developed iron control over the primal side of his nature, but he could have no more resisted the lush invitation in his hunter's eyes than he could've given up the ability to fly. "What would you do with me, Elena?"

Reaching out, she unsnapped the top button on his pants, her fingers strikingly feminine against the black fabric. "Wicked, wicked things." A single slow stroke along the outline of his cock.

He hissed out a breath, thrust his hands into her hair. But he didn't stop her, this woman who played with him - who trusted him. "Be gentle."

She shot him a startled silver glance. Then a slow, delighted smile. "I won't bite . . .

unlike some people." A fraction more pressure on his aroused flesh as she shaped him with her hand.

His abdomen went tight. "You're giving me ideas." He could still taste the wild musk of her on his tongue, sumptuous and earthy. "Next time, I might use my teeth on far more delicate flesh."

Shuddering, she unsnapped the next two buttons . . . before leaning forward to press a wetly sensual kiss on the lowest part of his navel. His h*ps jerked, his hand fisting in her hair. "I," he ground out, "do not have that much control." Releasing her, he stepped back.

"That's no - " Her words trailed away as he stripped off what remained of his clothing, wanting nothing between his flesh and her touch.

Elena's breath whispered out of her. The impact of him was . . . indescribable.

Then he was walking back to her, his erection pure unadulterated temptation. She curved her fingers around him, aware of his hand going to her hair again, of him wrapping the strands around his fist. "Enough teasing." A gentle nudge. "Fulfill your promise."

Her skin went hot, tight at the rough sexual tone of that demand, but she shot him a teasing smile. "Giving orders even in bed?"


Hearing the edge in that, suddenly violently aware of how long her archangel had waited for her - and it was still a kick to the heart, that she was loved by him - she dipped her head and ran her tongue over the vein that pulsed along the thick line of his arousal. He made an inarticulate sound of mingled pain and pleasure, his hand tugging slightly at her hair. Unable to resist now that she'd had a taste of him, her thighs clenching, she retraced her journey and took him into her mouth.


She couldn't take all of him. He was too big, too thick.But I'll have eternity to refine my technique. The sensual thought blazed out on an inferno of need as she loved her archangel, licking and tasting and sucking.

Brilliant white fire against her skin and she knew he was glowing, this lethal being she dared tease in the most intimate of ways. His response when it came, was starkly sensual.Your mouth  - his voice sandpaper in her mind - is a little piece of heaven and hell.

Moaning low in her throat, she stroked up, swirled her tongue around the head before sliding her mouth back down the enticement that was his body. She loved the taste of him, the contrast of steel and silk, the way he murmured hot little promises of retribution.

Under her hands, his muscles grew granite-hard, his skin sheened with heat. "Enough, Elena." A command.

She let him feel her teeth.

A crash of waves inside her mind, a wild storm.I am, he said, no trace of the civilized male in him now,tying you to the bed next time.

Knowing he was so close to the edge that another caress would tip him over, Raphael stroked his hand down the sensitive arch of Elena's left wing, sliding out of the sweet, hot prison of her mouth while she was distracted by the shock of sensation. But though her eyes glittered with the fever of their combined hunger, she didn't give in. Lifting a single taunting finger, she sucked it between the kiss-swollen beauty of her lips.

That was all the encouragement the voracious hunger inside him needed. Spreading through his veins, it took him over, a rippling black fire. He returned to the bed in a dark wave of heat, flipping Elena onto her front, pulling her legs up and spreading them wide.

It was the rawest, most primitive way to possess a woman, but his hunter pushed up on her elbows, gave him a challenging look, and said, "I'm waiting."

He slid into her in a single hard thrust. Her scream echoed off the walls, but it was a scream that held equal parts demand and need. Gripping her h*ps tight, he pulled out almost fully, then slammed back in. There was no mercy in him any longer, but Elena didn't ask it from him.

Learn to fly fast, Elena, he said as he pushed them both to a final, blinding peak.Then we will dance in the sky.

They did have that bath - much later, Raphael stroking the washcloth over her wings with lazy movements as she leaned on the rim. "That feels so intimate."

"It is." A kiss pressed to the ultra-sensitive edge where her right wing grew out of her back. "Allowing someone to care for your wings is considered an act that takes a relationship well beyond the sexual."