“Now, what more do we need to make ready for the ball? We still have three days, so I expect that you are making final adjustments to more than just your dress?” Crispin asked.

“Yes, of course. I have already arranged for the flowers to be made ready and I am perfectly content with what is being prepared, but I am not decided on the table linens. What do you think? The flowers are a deep, red rose. I thought we should either do white or a similar crimson shade,” Mary said.

Crispin chewed the inside of his cheek. In truth, he did not have an eye for these details, but Mary was at a loss. She loved the accent of the crimson, but the clean look of the white was also rather tempting.

“I suppose the red,” he replied.

“Excellent. That will look very nice, then,” Mary said, agreeing that it was a good choice.

“And as for the other things? You have already arranged the refreshments and the music?” Crispin asked.

“Of course, darling. Everything else is finalised,” she answered.

With that, Crispin drew near to Mary and wrapped his arms around her waist. Mary settled in close to him, leaning her head against his chest and closing her eyes, appreciating the comfort of the man she loved.

“My dear, I do not think I could have found a better woman for this task,” he said.


“Not at all. You know exactly how to ensure that all is perfect. Do you know how much I love you?” he asked.

Mary looked up and smiled. Without another word, Crispin leaned forward and kissed her lips with the tender, gentle romance that was always there between them. And in that moment, she was more confident than ever that she had found the one with whom she belonged.



The music played with such a magnificent energy and Mary indulged in every moment, spinning in her husband’s arms. But at the end of yet another dance, she knew that she had best enjoy her time with some of their guests as the ball was finally taking place.

“Mary, your gown is lovely! I cannot believe how beautiful you look,” Sarah exclaimed, taking in the sight of Mary.

“Thank you, Sarah. I honestly was not sure if I had made the right choice on the sleeves. Are they not too large?” Mary asked with trepidation.

“Not at all. I wish I had done the same,” Sarah replied.

Mary glanced across the room where Harry was chattering away with Mary’s father. She turned back to Sarah and grinned.

“How is married life treating you? I have scarcely seen you since you returned from the honeymoon,” Mary said.

“Oh, I know. We have been so busy, trying to get everything in order at home. We wish to have children at once and we want to have everything ready for them just in case they come as quickly as we hope,” Sarah said.

“How wonderful! I am so very excited for you. I do hope that you are able to have children as quickly as you would like,” Mary said.

“And what about you and your husband? Are you planning to start your family soon?” Sarah asked.

Mary and Sarah had spoken about this a few times, but Mary had always been vague, and she knew that Sarah was desperate to know. Mary knew that she longed to have children at once, but she simply wasn’t sure how soon they would be able to.

“In truth, Sarah, I do hope. Crispin and I have spoken about it many times and we are wanting to begin trying very soon, but I am also quite nervous,” Mary confessed.

“Why would you be nervous? You wish to wait until you have been married for a longer time? Are you afraid that things will change too quickly?” Sarah asked.

“While those thoughts have crossed my mind, they are not the primary reason. In truth, it is my mother. You see, I was her only successful birth. It took her quite a long time to be with child and she lost two pregnancies quite early.

I do fear that I will not be able to have children with ease and I worry that once we begin trying, we will find that I am not what my husband had hoped for,” Mary admitted, allowing herself this moment to be vulnerable.

Sarah looked at Mary with tenderness and sighed.

“My dear Mary, I did not know. And here I have been pushing you for answers. I am so sorry. What has your husband said? I am sure that he is happy to be yours no matter what the outcome,” Sarah said.