
For four months, Mary had enjoyed the bliss of marriage. She couldn’t have been happier than in the life that she and Crispin lived. Their love had only continued to grow in the short time they had been married and she was constantly amazed that he was so devoted to her through every moment.

As they planned to host their first ball, Mary was aflutter with excitement, knowing that there was a great deal of wonder ahead for them.

“But I do not wish for it to simply be another affair in which men and women are fighting to impress one another or for us to enter into a competition we do not desire,” Mary said.

“You mean you want our ball to be fun and entertaining, but you worry about others viewing it as an attempt to show up our friends?” Crispin asked her with a chuckle.

“Oh, I know I sound foolish. Although I wish that we could avoid the constant battles to prove ourselves in society, it is not up to me to stop such a thing from happening. I know that. Honestly.

But I still wish that others would bear it in mind. I want our ball to be lovely, but not for the sake of proving ourselves. Merely, I want it to be lovely because that is what we should always strive for,” Mary said.

“Indeed, my love. And all who know you will know that you are attempting only to give them a wonderful evening with the grand delights of a ball and none of the pettiness to which we are so accustomed,” Crispin said.

Mary thought about it for a moment. He was right; if their guests knew her very well, they would know that she was not the sort of woman who put on a ball to impress anyone. She was simply doing her best and trying to create an atmosphere that would be beneficial to everyone in the room, everyone for whom they cared.

“Very well. In the meantime, I suppose I ought to try on the gown I had made. Would you tell me what you think? I feel that it needs some alterations, but I have not decided what,” Mary said.

“Yes, my dear. Of course,” Crispin replied.

Mary made her way to the changing screen and took the gown carefully from the hanger. She changed into it as quickly as she could—which took some time considering the difficulty of reaching a few of the buttons—and looked at herself in the mirror.

She loved the gown, with the delicate silk brocade in white, the floral motif embroidered in the same shade so that the pattern was seen most clearly as she moved under the lights.

At last, she walked out from behind the screen to see what Crispin would say.

“Well? What do you think?” she asked.

Crispin’s mouth dropped open and it was clear that he was stunned by her appearance, much to Mary’s delight. She was happy that he appeared more than satisfied by the gown. However, Mary still felt that something was off about the dress.

“Well?” she asked again.

“You look remarkable, my dear,” he replied.

“Truly?” she asked.

“I think I have never seen a woman so beautiful in all my life,” he said.

“You are being too kind, Crispin. I am quite sure that there are changes still to be made. Tell me what you think. Is it too long in the back? Or should the sleeves have a greater puff to them?” she asked, wondering what was missing.

“Darling, I am not the man to ask about fashion. You know that I would be delighted to discuss books all the day long, but gowns befuddle me. And while I should very much like to assist you in your quest for your gown to be perfect, I fear that I have nothing which might truly help you,” he said.

Mary understood. She knew that it would be better if she asked Sarah or Beatrice their thoughts, but she so enjoyed showing the dress to her husband and seeing his response that she wanted to remain there for as long as she possibly could.

“I may not know gowns, but I do know beauty. And you, my darling, are utterly beautiful,” Crispin said.

“Thank you, darling. I confess that I remained here only for the sake of your admiration,” she said with a laugh.

“Well, you have my admiration. Today and always. And I do not think that there will ever be a day in our lives when you have anything less from me. You are the most stunning woman in all the world and I know that you will ever remain so,” Crispin said.

Mary had been thinking about this quite a bit of late. She thought about what she would look like as a woman growing old and what it would be like to live those days with her husband. She also considered how her figure and features would change once they were able to begin having children and how she might look during that season of life.

In truth, there were many days ahead for them and she could not be sure that she would like what became of her. But what Mary did know with all her heart was that she would be loved through it. Crispin would always look after her, even when she was not the same as she appeared now.

Moreover, she would forever be in awe of him and how handsome he was. She could already picture him in the days to come, with grey hair and the wrinkles that would settle in his forehead. She could see it in her mind, and she found him just as handsome as ever.

But for now, they were enjoying the time they had. For now, they could truly be at peace, just simply watching the world around them and seeing what the future might hold. And Mary knew that even if she changed in her physical appearance, she would be cared for.