“However, we also must remember that we are human. With that, we have to give grace to each other when failings happen. When we forget our duty as a spouse, we seek forgiveness, and the other is expected to extend it.

Ultimately, marriage brings us closer through our failures and through the moments when we must lean on one another in all things,” the minister said.

“Therefore, we strive to make our commitments, just like the ones which the two of you will make here today. Lord Hanbrooke, do you commit to love, honour, and protect Lady Mary for all the days of your life? Do you promise to give grace in all things and to show one another that your care goes beyond the simple expectations of life and into selfless discipline and affection for one another?” the minister prompted.

Crispin beamed and looked to Mary before he replied, “I do.”

The minister repeated the question and Mary looked at Crispin with a grin of her own.

“I do,” she said.

Crispin exhaled the breath he had been holding. Although he’d known with certainty that Mary was going to marry him, he found himself anxious as he awaited her response. And now, she had made her promise, just as he had done. Now, they were committed to a future together, no matter what.

The minister continued the ceremony and spoke for a few more moments of the importance of marriage and the responsibilities which Crispin and Mary would carry forward. And as they enjoyed listening to him and learning about what more would be expected of them, Crispin was more eager than ever to prove that he could be the husband that his wife deserved.

“And now, before God and all these witnesses, I pronounce you husband and wife,” the minister said at last.

Their guests erupted in applause and Crispin took Mary’s hand and led her back down the aisle towards the front doors of the church. It was a wonderful moment, full of excitement and anticipation for what lay beyond them.

And as they burst through the doors into the sunlight beyond the chapel, Crispin felt as though they were bursting forth into the new life that was ahead. They had lived through so much already, but the best was surely yet to come.

“My beautiful bride,” Crispin said to her.

“My handsome husband,” she replied.

But they had only a moment before the guests trickled out after them and it was time for the reception in the gardens just beyond the church. Crispin and Mary made their way over, both eager to enjoy the afternoon and the time they had remaining with others before they could finally be alone together.

For now, however, they were able to greet others and enjoy their time with the people who meant so much to them. They made their way through the guests, greeting them and sharing words of joy and gratitude that people had come to witness their union.

As Crispin and Mary sat at the table that had been set up for them, the guests came around to say their best wishes.

“Mary, you look so beautiful! And you are a duchess now! Good heavens, I can hardly believe that you are the same little one I spent so many years with,” Miss Anne said to Mary.

“Oh, Miss Anne! I could never have gotten to this point were it not for your hard work and all your kindness,” Mary exclaimed.

Crispin watched his wife, with tears in her eyes, embracing the woman who had helped her grow into the woman she was today. He was in awe of the way things had come together for their family and all the people who had made it possible.

After many others had come around to offer their words of joy, Crispin and Mary sat together, indulging in the rum-soaked cake that they’d had prepared for the day. The luxury of powdered sugar atop the cake made it exquisitely sweet for them.

“This is the loveliest thing I have ever eaten,” Mary said.

“Indeed, it is. But it is not the sweetest thing in my life, darling. You must know by now that such a quality belongs to you alone,” Crispin replied, teasing her with his overly-loving words.

Mary giggled and shook her head at his silliness.

“What is it? Have I said too much?” he asked, amused.

“No, it was a lovely thing to say, Crispin. And I am thoroughly enjoying our time here together. This has been a wonderful wedding day and all I can think about is what the rest of our days will hold. You have been the most remarkable husband in just these few hours.

I wonder what more is to come and what the rest of our life will be like together. Sometimes, I am in awe that I get to spend my life with you and now, those days have finally begun. Here we are, at last. Married. And the good things are still ahead for us,” she said.

“Yes, they are, my dear. You and I will have nothing but the happiest of days. And whatever else our life holds, I will be with you,” Crispin said.

Crispin was truly in awe of his bride. At times, he wondered how he had come to be so fortunate, but other times, he knew that they had fought every last moment to make it happen. They had been through a great many struggles to ensure that they could have this great joy of life together.

Although they had known one another for only a matter of four or five months, much had happened in that short time. Crispin considered the fact that their days had already been full of proof that they knew how to commit to one another. They were not merely in love. They were one of heart and mind.

At last, the guests began to dissipate and Crispin knew that he and Mary should get ready to depart. They would be able to go to their own, wonderful home. They would get to start their new life as husband and wife, away from all the friends and family, away from the past, and away from anything that might threaten their love.