“Charlotte!” her mother barked.

“No!” Charlotte shouted back at her mother, the word catching in her throat. It was clear Charlotte wanted to say more, but she was so overcome that nothing else could be said.

“We spoke of marriage, Charlotte,” the blacksmith continued. “We were making plans. We were so close. Everything was within our grasp before your mother made you tell those lies. But you do not have to continue them. We could have everything we dreamt about, everything we spoke of. We can have the life we wanted. You only need to let go of the things to which you have been clinging. You have to let go of her demands. Will you, please? Will you choose me this time?”

“This is nonsense!” Lady Rachel shouted, clearly seeing that she had lost all her strength in this matter.

“There is nothing nonsensical about love. And yet, there is everything nonsensical about it,” the blacksmith said in a quiet voice, keeping his eyes on Charlotte.

“No matter how foolish love may be, it remains the greatest truth in all the world. I may not be able to offer you riches, nor a home this fine, nor endless gowns and shoes and bobbins, but I can offer you everything that I have. It is yours, Charlotte. It always has been and it always will be.”

“This is the most appalling display I have ever witnessed. Charlotte, do not let this strange man touch you like that! And gather your emotions! I know that you are…that you are clearly frightened by him, but you must not cry. Simply walk away from him,” Lady Rachel demanded, clinging to whatever excuse she could find for Charlotte’s response.

“Enough, Rachel. It is clear the girl is fond of him. You have lied to me,” Mary’s father growled.

“I have done no such thing! This man has been sent here to ruin Charlotte’s reputation even further and to convince you that your daughter is innocent in all of this. You know as well as I do that Mary is at the heart of this. She is the one who arranged it, just as I have been telling you all this time.

Please, Henry, do not be taken in by these lies. You must know that all of this has been built upon lies and this man is not acquainted with my daughter,” she said, holding fast to her story.

“And I have been a willing fool far long enough. I am ashamed that I ever believed you and allowed you to convince me of the crimes of my own daughter when none of it was true. You are the one who was behind all of this.

You are the one at the heart of these lies. I allowed you to convince me that Mary was the one behind all of this even when I had my doubts. It was easier to believe you than to listen to my own instincts. Oh, how ashamed I am!” he grieved.

Sarah placed a hand on Mary’s arm as they stood on the second to last step, watching the entire display. Mary’s heart thudded in her chest. She felt awful for Charlotte, who was still so torn, but she was thrilled for herself, knowing that her father was finally seeing the truth and that he would begin to understand what game was truly being played in the midst of this.

Difficult though it must have been for him, he was now willing to see the truth and Mary could not have been happier for her own sake. Certainly, she knew that there was still much to discuss and there would still need to be mended relations between him and Crispin, but this was a start.

The moment things got quiet again, the blacksmith spoke up once more, almost startling everyone to hear him continue in his pleas.

“Charlotte? Will you come with me? Will you be mine? Can we at last have the life that we spoke of time and time again?” he asked her, softly.

“Good heavens!” Lady Rachel exclaimed.

With that, Charlotte pulled away from him and, weeping, ran from the foyer out the front door. It slammed hard behind her, but she was instantly gone. The blacksmith, either from desiring her so badly or not wanting to remain there with Lady Rachel, followed in a hurry.

“Oh, I have had just about enough of this!” Lady Rachel insisted, charging forward towards the door as if to stop the two of them.

But Mary’s father stepped in front of her, blocking her from the exit.

“Be silent, Rachel. I have heard enough from your forked tongue,” he snapped. Then, he turned to Mary and looked at her tenderly. “My dear, will you please go see where your stepsister has gone to and ensure that she is properly supervised? I would like to speak with your stepmother alone.”

Mary silently nodded, realising that there was likely to be quite a row between them. She did not wish to be there for it and also knew that it was better she be there for Charlotte anyway.

Mary glanced at Sarah who gave a single nod of understanding. She would leave and allow the family to deal with the matter on their own.

As the two young women made for the door, Mary noticed the look that passed between her father and stepmother. For the first time, Mary saw fear in Lady Rachel’s eyes. It was clear that she knew she was no longer the one who had a say in any of this. She was, instead, the one who had been at the core of the deception and would nevermore be trusted.

The moment that Mary and Sarah were outside, Mary turned to her friend.

“I suppose all of this is coming to an end, after all,” she said.

“So it would seem. I wish you all the best as you find your happiness and the peace of your family at last, Mary. Tomorrow, I shall send my card and if you are able to send word to me or come for a visit, I should like to know what has happened and if you will have your freedom once more,” Sarah said.

“Indeed, I shall do my best to inform you at once,” Mary replied.

With that, Sarah departed. Mary exhaled slowly. She needed to find Charlotte. Whatever was to happen next, it was clear that nothing would ever be the same.