Chapter 23

Confused by Lord Hanbrooke’s behaviour, Mary knew she needed to focus on getting herself out of this predicament. She believed that the Duke cared for her, but why had he not kissed her like she thought he would? He seemed frightened by the possibility of the kiss, as if he worried there would be something wrong if he had pursued it.

If he would not profess that he cared for her or kiss her until all of this was through, Mary was determined to finish this. She had tried to explain to her father, she had given her pleas to the blacksmith, she had begged Lady Rachel not to believe the lies.

But it was all to no avail.

Mary determined that she had no choice but to speak with Charlotte and to throw herself at the mercy of her stepsister. After all, it was Charlotte who began the lie. It was Charlotte who was trying to cover for her own impropriety. It was Charlotte who had selfishly pursued Lord Hanbrooke despite not loving him.

Now, it was time for all of that to come to a resolve. Charlotte was the only one who could make it happen and, although Mary was quite hopeless that it would amount to anything, she waited until she heard Charlotte depart to her bedroom that evening before she approached her.

Mary softly made her way down the hall and knocked at Charlotte’s door.

“Oh, good heavens, just leave me be!” Charlotte grumbled from the other side of the door before going silent.

Mary knocked again. This time, she heard Charlotte’s footsteps approaching with a gait that signalled irritation. The door swung open and the expression on Charlotte’s face shifted to surprise, then worry, then a cool annoyance that was clearly feigned.

“And what is it that you want?” she asked, barely looking Mary in the eye.

“You know why I am here,” Mary said, pushing forward and into Charlotte’s room before her stepsister could protest.

“Begging your pardon?” she scoffed.

“I am here because I know not what else to do. You have to tell your mother and my father the truth. You must tell them that you lied and I have no gentleman I have been seeing,” Mary said, trying to remain calm and not let her anger get the best of her.

“Oh, good heavens, Mary. I cannot possibly understand what you are speaking of. You know as well as I do that I caught you. That man, the one you have been seeing, is the sort of man who would love to take advantage of our family’s reputation and status.

That is the only reason he is interested in you. And now, Mother and Father are aware of it—they can ensure that you do not lose everything that belongs to this family, as well as your reputation,” Charlotte said, perpetuating the lie.

“Charlotte, it is just the two of us. You may speak freely with me. Why did you tell this lie? Are your intentions set upon Lord Hanbrooke and you thought that he was going to choose me? Could you not have gone about it another way?” Mary asked, trying to be cautious with her words.

The last thing she wanted was to risk her stepsister ruining everything even further. Mary was still hopeful that she could get her to admit to the lie, but Mary didn’t know if there was really a chance that Charlotte would confess to her own love affair in addition.

But Charlotte simply sighed in irritation and shook her head.

“It is not my own fault that you have chosen to engage with this man outside of society’s rules, or why you are so willing to disrespect my mother and your father in your efforts to pursue this man. You must accept responsibility for your actions, Mary. Think about the consequences. It will only harm all of us if you do not come forward and distance yourself from the matter,” Charlotte said.


“You know what I mean. You have to end your affair with him and admit to your father what you have done. I have no doubt that once you have confessed it, he will find a way to bring you back into society.

But as it is, I have overheard him speaking with my mother and they are unwilling to give you such a chance if you will not confess. They said that your lies are evidence you are not willing to change,” Charlotte said.

“Thatis a lie. Your words are poison, Charlotte. You know that you made all of this up, but you still have not simply told me why. Whatever ruse you are putting on before them, just be done with it!

But I deserve to know why you have ruined my reputation, why you have worked so hard to have me kept from everything I desire. Surely you will at least give me a reason,” Mary said, fighting against the emotion welling up in her throat.

A coy smile played upon Charlotte’s lips as she leaned forward and she narrowed her eyes. Charlotte simply whispered her reply.

“No, Mary. You shall never have a reason for any of it.”

Mary was stiff with the ugliness of her stepsister’s mockery. She didn’t move, but held her head high and unwavering. Charlotte walked around her to the vanity and sat down, picking up her hairbrush and stroking the long lengths of her nearly black hair.

“If you have nothing else to say, surely you will be on your way, dear stepsister. After all, my mother shall be none too happy to hear that you tried to manipulate me in order to get your freedom. And if she tells your father what you have done, then I am sure you are going to have a great deal of dismay ahead of you,” Charlotte casually remarked.

Mary knew that she was right. Charlotte was spinning everything out of Mary’s power. She was doing all that she could to take hold of the goings on in the house and use them for her advantage. Mary couldn’t understand the sort of hate that might lead someone to such an action, but she knew that her stepsister was unlike most women. She was not simply a selfish society girl; she was a wicked and cruel genius of a woman.

“And if you think that you are ever going to convince me that I should lie to my mother and concede that you are not guilty of what I have claimed, be aware that you should never have faith in that. I know what it is that I want and you will not stop me from getting it,” Charlotte taunted.