“I beg your pardon, ladies, but I was wondering if I might be allowed to accompany Lady Mary to the blacksmith? Perhaps we might be able to come and share everything with the both of you, but I do not wish to corner him,” Lady Beatrice said.

Mary feared that Miss Anne and Sarah might feel left out, but she also agreed with Lady Beatrice; the man might think they were trying to threaten him if they all showed up with their bonnets and baskets, glaring down at him.

“I would not be allowed to accompany her there anyway,” Miss Anne said. “If I were found out, I would be in dreadful trouble. But I will also be in dreadful trouble if I am found letting her roam freely. I should like to remain nearby so that I might fulfil my duty as her governess while still giving the two of you the freedom to learn what is happening.”

“Indeed, I should be in a great deal of trouble if I go with her. Mary, you know that I would be happy to, but if your stepmother finds out, I would never be allowed to see you again. She already detests me, and it would be just the excuse she needs,” Sarah said.

“I understand. We shall inform you both at once. Just stay nearby and we will come back to you,” Mary said, hopeful that she and Lady Beatrice might actually find out something from the blacksmith.

With that, they made their way up the road. Sarah and Miss Anne followed close behind, but they remained on the corner while Mary and Lady Beatrice reached the blacksmith. At last, Mary knew she would have answers. What she would do with these answers, however, was another matter.

Once more, Mary considered the fact that this could ruin Charlotte and it would absolutely destroy the trust within the family. No, she could not do such a thing. She could not make it publicly known that Charlotte had been involved with this man.

Mary looked at Lady Beatrice, who gave her a nod of solidarity. They were going to approach him no matter what. What he had to say would determine what they did next.

No matter what, however, Mary was grateful that Lady Beatrice had listened to her and was willing to give her a chance to prove herself. It was a chance that few others had given Mary. And she knew that if this was the sort of family Lord Hanbrooke had, it was a family that Mary wanted to be a part of.

This was simply the next step to making that happen.