“You flashed me.” I slapped a hand over my mouth, ridiculously giddy. “I can’t believe you did that.”

The pinch of his forehead warned me he wasn’t sure if I was laughing at his gall or mocking him.

Happiness fizzing up in me, I flung my arms around his neck. “I liked it.”

Not just the horns, either, but the idea he wanted to seduce me.

“Are you sure?” He searched my face. “You don’t have to spare my feelings.”

Gently, I pulled his head down to mine, then lower, until I flicked my tongue across the warm onyx.

Asa’s knees buckled on a gasp, and he caught himself against me, his heart a runaway train.

Never in my life had I felt more powerful.

A rush of tenderness swept through me, swirling through my stomach in a hot swell of emotion.

For once, I didn’t fight it as I peppered his forehead with kisses. “I am very sure.”

“I can tell,” he croaked, forcing his legs to support his weight. “I’m sorry I doubted you.”

“Come on.” I allowed myself to rake my fingers through his loose hair. “We should get back.”

The three of us had to put our heads together and decide what game the boo hags were playing.

Plus, I wanted to check on Colby, make sure she was holding strong within the wards.

When Asa wobbled like a newborn colt, I wound a fistful of hair around my hand and led him. If the daemon could see us now, he would laugh himself silly. That, or he would pitch a tantrum and demand his new favorite thing.

Wash, brush, braid. All of it.

Truly, I had created a monster.

And I didn’t mind.

Not one bit.