I wouldn’t forget their heavy presence in the city again.

The craftsmanship on the wreath was superb, its intricacy reminiscent of Gullah sweetgrass baskets.

A quick check of the Bureau database told me it ringed the epicenter of the blood spilled here.

“An immortelle.” Asa circled the token. “Whoever left the wreath considered this a grave.”

“A remorseful killer?”

Drawn by instinct or intuition, Asa prowled ahead, scenting the area for clues as to who had been here.

Within the confines of the alley, I couldn’t shake the sensation of being watched, but we were alone.

“Perhaps.” He thinned his lips. “Do you think Colby could disable any security cameras in the area?”

“One way to find out.” Hating to interrupt her game, I dialed her. “Do you feel up to being illegal?”

“I was feeling illegal earlier,” she told me. “The urge has mostly passed.”

“What did you do?”

“Installed a tracking app on your cell, hacked the security feeds the cleaners use to collect evidence, and programmed a backdoor so I could black out areas with a keystroke if you need mobile backup.”

Torn between laughing and crying, I did the only thing I could do. “Good work, Agent Smarty Fuzz Butt.”

“You’re welcome, Agent Spit Muffin.”

Asa, who could overhear every word, came dangerously close to snorting.

“Can you give us a ten-minute blackout window? I would offer to let you know when to bring everything back online, but your spy cams will tell you.”

“They’re not spy cams, they’re…” Her sigh proclaimed she had given up on me. “Never mind.”

“Tell Clay about it when he gets home. He can dumb it down for me later.”

“You’re lucky you’re a witch.” I could picture her shaking her head. “You fail at technology.”

“You’re not wrong.” I checked on Asa and found him stripping to his boxers. “I have to, uh, go.”

“Keep an eye out.” Asa rolled his shoulders. “This won’t take long.”

Before my brain finished its nosedive into the gutter, I was scooped up by a wall of red muscle and swung in a dizzying circle.

“Rue,” the daemon yelled in my face, setting my ears ringing. “I miss you.”

Cases that fell within city limits forced him to let Asa take the lead, and he hated when we excluded him.

“I missed you too.” I flung my arms around him. “Colby wants to play with you when we get back.”

“I like Colby.” His eyes lit with childish glee. “She help me kill bad orcs and rescue fuzzy kitten.”

“That’s great.” I wiggled until he set me down. “Can you do me a favor and check out the crime scene?”

“Asa’s nose not good as mine.” He turned smug. “I help Rue.”

“I appreciate it.” I checked to make sure the hulking daemon wasn’t drawing attention. “Just make it quick, please. This area has a lot of foot traffic.”

Vulnerability softened his features, and a crease dented his forehead. “See you later?”