No one got it right one hundred percent of the time, and I was as far from perfect as Earth was from the sun.

“Wargs have been discriminated against for as long as we’ve existed. Most of the lore is wrong, and the assumptions about us are downright offensive.” She didn’t look at Asa, but she angled her head toward him while she spoke to me. “I’ve never met a daemon, and your mate has given me no reason to think badly of him or his species. I apologize, truly, for any harm I caused with my careless words.” She coughed softly. “I’ll do better.”

“Thanks.” I unclenched my fists enough for Asa to mesh our fingers. “We all make mistakes.”

“Maybe I should have mentioned this earlier.” Clay scratched his jaw. “Rue and Asa are in fascination.”

Understanding pinched the alphas’ faces, and they took a healthy step back from us both.


Maybe we should print couple’s business cards with Ask Me About Fascination. Or I Might Kill You. Oops.

“We’ll be in touch.” Mr. Officer and his mate kept their distance. “Text if you need us.”

We exited the boat and hit the dock without being stopped again, and I scanned the horizon for a rescue ferry, but I didn’t see one.

“We’re not going that way.” Clay pointed to the families sunning outside the fort’s walls. “We’re going this way.”

Straight toward the spot where we last saw the silver fox and her boobies. I mean, buddies.

“You’re not serious.”

“Time to plug in, Shorty. No spying, okay? Listen to your podcast, and only your podcast, I’ll buy you that flaming sword you’ve had your eye on.” Once the bargain was struck, a bribe she couldn’t resist, he smoothed a hand through his hair. “She looked friendly, and she has a boat.”

“You don’t know that she has a boat. Maybe she came with friends.”

“Who must have a boat for them to be on an island, so the argument is still valid.”

“You’re splitting hairs.”

“Wigs don’t do split ends, and neither do I.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Look, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be stuck onboard while the police interview everyone prior to releasing them to their cars. The Vandenburghs are out. They’re stuck here for the duration. What options does that leave us?”

“Fine.” I held up my hands in surrender. “Try your luck.”

“Luck has nothing to do with it.” He shot me a saucy wink. “Give me ten, and then follow.”

Ten minutes was a stretch. I doubted he needed five. Assuming his mark was still ashore.

I suspected the extra time was for Asa and me. Clay was right to force me to admit my behavior was out of line, but he was wrong if he thought I was sorry.

“Can I blame fascination for this?” I threw out the question as Clay sauntered off. “Or your faeness?”

“Do you think it’s possible,” Asa said softly, “that you care about me? That when others seek to hurt me, it wounds you more?” He stepped behind me and wrapped his arms around my middle. “It’s okay to care, Rue.”

“Care isn’t a big enough word,” I confessed, because he deserved the truth. “When people talk down to you, I just…” I mimed breaking a stick with my hands, “…snap. I don’t know why. I can’t control it.”

“You protect the ones you love.” He pressed his cheek to mine. “Fiercely. Passionately.” A rumble moved through his voice. “Viciously.”


Muchbigger word than care.

Exhaling a slightly panicked laugh, I relaxed into his hold. “That last one turned you on, huh?”