>>Can’t talk.

>>I’m on a secret mission.

>So I heard.

>>Camber must have missed the memo about it being secret.

Mrs. Gleason’s shenanigans were known far and wide, but it was a Samford conspiracy to ignore them.

Oh, we talked about them. Extensively. We kept an eye out for them. Frequently. We tried keeping her out of trouble. And by trouble, I mean jail. There was even a tip jar in the diner where everyone chipped in for bail money or to cover minor property damage.

Samford’s willingness to embrace the quirky, the strange, and the downright weird was what made it home.

>Camber said Aedan wasn’t answering your calls. He’s just busy with the electrician.

>>Oh good.

>>I mean, I knew that.

>>I didn’t go to your house to check if he was hiding from me or anything. I just thought it might be nice to have company on a stakeout, and he ought to know how crazy folks are around here before he decides to settle down, you know?

>It was nice of you to want to include him.

>>That’s me. Nice. Cute boys friendzone me from a mile away.

>Are we still talking about Aedan?


>Are you sure?


>Then why all the ??

>>I can’t surveil and text.


“Thank the goddess.” I stared until the screen went dark then smiled at Colby. “They’re both safe.”

Antennae aquiver, she sailed onto my shoulder. “What do we do now?”

“You’re going to play Mystic Realms with your friends and stay as far away from this black witch as I can get you.” I scratched her head. “I’m going to text Clay to get his butt home ASAP, even if he has to drive. I’ll call Asa and pick him up, and he can go with me to get Aedan.” I kissed her cheek. “Please, stay put.”

“I will.” She nuzzled back. “I promise.”

The boo hag incident must have spooked her more than she would ever admit, if she wasn’t fighting me.

I dropped her at her rig on my way out then checked and double-checked the wards behind me.

* * *

Asa in tow, I rolled into my usual parking spot behind Hollis Apothecary and killed my SUV’s engine.

“Give me five,” I said, exiting the vehicle, “then get into position.”

Head up, shoulders back, I marched to the rear entrance and knocked twice.