“Clay thinks so, and I agree it sounds like something he would do.”

“He’s that desperate to make contact with you?”

“Yeah.” I showed him my phone, the blocked calls in my log. “I’ve been ignoring him.”

“Is that wise?”


“What will you do?”

“Call him and set up a meeting.” I steeled my jaw. “He won’t stop until he gets what he wants. Right now, it’s my attention. If I don’t give it to him, he’ll escalate until he gets it.”

“Did the visit from those agents prompt this heart-to-heart with me?”

“Yes and no.” I heard the ache in his voice and regretted causing it. “I’ve wanted to tell you for a while.” I elbowed him. “Probably your faeness forcing me to blab my darkest secrets to you.”

A laugh moved through his chest. “You realize, by that logic, you accept that we’re soulmates.”

“Logic has nothing to do with how I feel about you,” I confessed. “I can’t help myself.”

“You don’t like being helpless.”

“Who does?” I pressed my palm against his chest, right over his heart. “But I like you.”

“Even if you’re compelled to like me?”

“Even if.” I squinted up at him. “That’s not how it works, right?”

“What if I said yes?”

“What if I took off my shoe and beat you with it?”

“Nothing about us is forced.” More laughter shook him. “You could resist. You could tell me no.”


I really couldn’t.

“Will you go with me?” I kept my head down to avoid reading into his expression. “To see the director?”

“I will.” He covered my hand with his. “Of course, I will.”


I let myself soak up his steadfastness, then I pushed upright and attempted to slide off his lap. I didn’t make it far, and I didn’t mind. It was weird. The not minding. I didn’t feel the urge to break each of his fingers for touching me or holding me or keeping me close. The keeping me part. Yeah. It was nice too.

About the time I caved to staying where he put me, Clay and Colby returned with empty hands.

“Turns out I didn’t leave my bobby pins in the car.” He checked us over to see if we were okay. “Oops.”

“We need to discuss next steps.” I strove for a professional tone. “The sanctuary is a problem.”

As it happens, it’s hard to appear professional when you’re sitting on your boyfriend-type person’s lap.

“It’s hiding more than missing exhibits,” Clay agreed. “You want to take it from here, Dollface?”

A subtle introduction it was not, but he wanted to verify I had told Asa, that I trusted him with this.