Following Clay’s example, he stuffed his mouth to give himself time to ponder his answer.

Never a good sign.

“There’s a biological component to mating,” he said when I didn’t offer him more. “I would taste it if you mated another. That bond changes you. It would signal you were no longer available.”

“You’re the only guy I’m dating.” I fed him more. “Why stress over swapping spit muffins with me?”

“What I know—” he tapped his temple, “—and what I know—” he tapped his heart, “—are two different things.”

“You trust me.” I helped myself to his stack, genuinely curious. “It’s not a fidelity issue?”

Trust was a biggie. I couldn’t risk letting him worm his way deeper into my life if he was holding back. He had a firmer grasp on what was happening to us, as a couple with daemon blood, than I did. Pair that with his fae ability to coax a potential mate into baring their soul, and I was at a disadvantage.

Aside from devouring his heart, I had no means of divining his truth, and murder would kill the romance.

And, you know, him.

“It’s a maddening byproduct of having a daemon father.” He caught my hand. “I trust you.”

Unable to resist, I ribbed him. “Even with a hot, young daemon living in my backyard?”

Cackling like mad, Colby swooped overhead. “I’m so telling Aedan you said that.”

“Crap,” I muttered, remembering the other reason I had wanted to speak to Aedan this morning before he left with the girls for work. “I promised Mrs. Gleason he would stop by and check under her porch.”

“I’ll handle it.” Clay shot me a grin. “She’s a hoot.” He wet his lips. “Maybe she’ll want to see my scars.”

“From where she shot you,” I reminded him. “In the butt.”

“Great aim,” he sighed with a faraway look in his eyes. “She’s one feisty lady.”

“Thank you for ruining my breakfast with your bedroom eyes for Mrs. Gleason.”

“You’re welcome.” His chuckle was evil. “Payback is a—”

Colby sat frozen, her antennae aquiver, eager for what swear bomb he would drop next.

“—blueberry,” I supplied. “Payback is a blueberry.”

Her sigh rustled napkins on the table as her hero failed to let her live vicariously through him.

For the sake of expediency, I traded forks with Asa and prodded him into eating his own food.

“While you were sleeping, I mapped our drive.” Colby lit on Clay’s head. “And I booked our rooms.”

“Drive?” I sipped my coffee. “I thought we would fly down.”

“Well…” she slid Clay a glance that promised trouble. “You remember those reviews?”

The ones that mentioned missing wildlife. “Yes.”

“I might have posted about the pups and gotten several responses from para rescues in the area.”

The next sip of my coffee choked me, and I took a second to reorder my thoughts. “You vetted them?”

Colby didn’t roll her eyes, but she didn’t have to, not when she was in full-on sassy mode.

“There’s not much that can be done for them,” Clay offered as a reminder to her not to get her hopes up, “but it’s better than the alternative. At least this way, they have a fighting chance at survival.”