“I’ll call Camber.” His speech sparked an idea. “I’ll ask her to pick him up and let them carpool.”

“Smart.” Asa pulled back. “You’re giving him a mission, new innocents in need of his protection.”

“Do you think it will work?”

“Now that he’s blood bound?” Asa didn’t hesitate. “He would tear his sister in half if she hurt them.”

“But?” I got the sense there was more. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“He might sacrifice himself to get the girls away from her.”

“I don’t think we have to worry about that.” I allowed myself a laugh. “He might try it, it’s a very Aedan thing to do, but the girls are worse about adopting people than me.” Heck, they had adopted me. “They won’t let him go without a fight. He’ll have to leave with them or fight beside them, and I know which option he’ll choose.”

“It sounds like you’ve made up your mind.”

“Yeah.” I blew out a sigh. “I’ll give him a trial run in the shop.”

After things settled down, we could explore the offer from Ms. Hampshire further.

“This is nice.” He rested his chin on top of my head. “You and me.”

“I was thinking the same.” I let his heat soothe me. “It’s nice to have a hug dispensary on the premises.”

“You should rest.” He made a soft noise when his hands thrust into my hair. “You’re swaying on your feet.”

“You like it.” I smothered my amusement as his grip tightened. “The hair thing.”

“I would be lying if I claimed I don’t enjoy knowing there are repercussions for others touching you.”

“I would prefer repercussions for, say, attempting to murder me. The hair thing is just odd to me.” I tugged on the end of one braid. “Except in your case.” I rubbed the silky length through my fingers. “Your hair is gorgeous. I could get behind no one being able to touch it but me.”

The longer I spent around him, the further I could get behind no one being able to touch him but me.

“How about we both take a nap on the couch, then I’ll help you cook?”

“An hour nap isn’t worth taking.” I yawned. “Might as well start mixing pancake batter.”

“Humor me.” He linked our hands and drew me into the living room. “Climb in.”

I sat on the couch then took the hint and stretched out, facing him. He kicked off his shoes as I scooted back to give him room. He joined me, our noses almost touching, and I smiled. He slid his arms around me and wedged one leg between mine to keep from falling onto the floor. He hooked my ankle with his, wrapping around me like a vine, and I curled against his chest.

In my experience, guys given the greenlight on kissing tended to expect make out sessions every time you got within touching distance of them. But those had been physical relationships, with no emotional connection. Maybe that was why it felt more intimate to snuggle with Asa, both of us dressed, with Clay and Colby two rooms away, than anything I had experienced with a man thus far.

“Sleep,” he murmured in my hair. “I’ve got you.”

Finger hooked in the front of his shirt, I smiled into the fabric. “I’ve got you too.”

Before the comfort of darkness embraced me, I swore I heard him whisper, “Don’t let go.”

I won’t, I almost said. I can’t.

But to voice those things left me too vulnerable in a moment of perfect calm I didn’t want to spoil.

Feelings? Those were complicated. This? This was simple.

Simple was good.

I liked simple.

I liked Asa too.

More than I ever thought possible.