“The scene’s that way.” I hooked a thumb toward the alley. “Have fun.”

Would I get in trouble for tranquilizing it rather than vaporizing it? Yes. But it was their problem now.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry?” The older man approached me. “It’s late for you, isn’t it?”

“I’m sorry.” I choked on a laugh. “Are you implying I’m out past my bedtime?”

“Dench is old school,” the younger man explained. “Likes his birds in their nests before dark.”

“Well, good luck with that.” I opened my door. “I’m grabbing coffee and heading home.”

“This is out of your jurisdiction,” Dench called. “Why are you in our neck of the woods?”

“You have a Sportspalooza, and I don’t.” I cocked an eyebrow. “Good night, gentlemen.”

“Do you have kids, lovey?” The younger guy was really pouring it on. “Baseball? Football? Real football?”

“Quince.” Dench joined his partner. “Black witches aren’t maternal. She’s not here for a child.”

“Pity.” Quince looked me up and down. “You’ve got childbearing hips. Anyone ever tell you that?”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. “What, exactly, did you hear about me?”

“That you bang your fellow agents.” Quince grinned from ear to ear. “Is there a line for me to stand in?”

A terrible itching sensation traveled across my scalp from where Colby vibrated with rage on my behalf.

She didn’t get it. They weren’t this thick. Someone would have killed them long ago if that were true.

They were testing me. Or distracting me. Possibly both. To see what I would do?

With a practiced move, I raked my hand through my unruly waves, readjusting my ponytail while removing my mothy hairbow. I mimed tucking Colby into my rear pocket to cover her while she crawled from my fingers under my shirt. As long as she stayed at my back, I could protect her.

“Boys, boys, boys.” I clucked my tongue. “I’m not that easy.”

“That’s not what rumor says.” Quince swaggered closer. “You like daemon, eh? I’m a vampire. What say you and me get a room, and I show you what you’ve been missing? Dench here is a centaur. Just think—”

Before he could finish the sentence and scar Colby for life, I punched him hard enough to snap his head back. His fangs descended, and dark blood trickled from his nose. He wet his lips, and his smile glistened.

“I heard you liked it rough.” He brought up his hands. “Me too.”

He swung for my head, and I ducked, but he didn’t pull his punch so much as he turned it into a grab. For my hair. He got a fistful and yanked, but his fingers caught my scrunchie and slid out without purchase.

Blood spurted, splashing hot on my face, and I stumbled back, blinded by the spray.

“Rue.” Colby yanked on my hem. “His hand.”

Using the tail of my shirt, I wiped my eyes clean. The scene before us flashed me back to the hotel Colby and I had burned to the ground outside of Chattanooga. Until that night, I had never seen a hand just…vanish…and I hadn’t caught it this time either.

There was simply Quince, spinning in a circle and shouting, his stubby arm held over his head, spouting like he was a freaking water feature. And then there was his hand, on the pavement.

“This has been fun.” I backed into the SUV. “Let’s not do this again sometime.”

I got in, cranked the engine, and spun out onto the road.

“This is so gross.” Colby fluttered to the passenger seat. “So, so, gross.”

Before I could wiggle my phone out of my pocket to call Asa, I heard it ring and struggled harder to reach it. I set the speaker icon then dropped it in the seat with Colby to avoid getting my phone even grimier.