“Nowhere near it.” He chuckled. “I’m flattered you think so.”

The admission cost me, but I paid it. “You’re perfect for me.”

“See?” He kissed my forehead, my eyelids, my nose. “That wasn’t so hard.”

The vulnerability required to whisper sweet nothings left me twitchy. “When will you be back?”

A possessive grin curled his lips. “Miss me already?”

This flirty side of him was hard to resist, and so I didn’t. “Yes.”

A flicker of emotion darkened his eyes, and his smile softened. “I should go.”

“Okay.” I checked the position of the moon. “I should sleep.” I groaned. “After I check on Aedan.”

“I can do that.” He laughed at what he read on my face. “I swear to you, I won’t harm him.”

“You still want to read him the riot act, I’m sure.” I squinted at him. “Let me put a meal together for him.”

The poor kid needed more poultice and pain relief too. I should have seen to him sooner, but my head was all over the place. Now that I had grown my circle, I would have to be more aware of him and his needs. Even if I hadn’t offered to help him get back on his feet, the blood oath placed him under my auspices.

Thankful I always had a fridge stuffed with leftovers, I made another basket for Aedan and handed it off to Asa for delivery.

“Be nice.” I rolled onto my tiptoes for another kiss. “See you tomorrow?”

Eyes closed, he appeared to savor the moment. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Reluctant to watch him go, I forced myself back in the house and joined Colby at her computer.

“I need to crash.” I leaned against her chair. “How late will you be up tonight?”

“Another hour, maybe.” She glanced up at me. “It’s boring with all my friends away.”

“Tomorrow, I have to shop for Aedan. Tent, bed, solar lantern. Whatever else you need to camp.”

“He’s getting a tent?” Her eyes popped wide. “Can I help decorate it?”

“Sure thing.” I tapped a knuckle on her desk. “I need you to help me write up the supply list too.”

“On it.” A few keystrokes later, she was browsing outdoorsy sites. “This is going to be so cool.”

There was no doubt in my mind I was leaving her to dream of sleepovers with Aedan in his tent.

Something told me I would be pricing kiddie tents soon too, since it fit her woodsy-themed room.

Relieved to have an excuse to ignore the grimoire for the night, I climbed in bed and passed out.