“That’s the only reason this introduction is happening.” I folded my arms over my chest. “No one can know she exists. No one can know she’s here. No one can know anything about her.”

“Rue,” Colby sighed. “He gets it.” She swooped over his head. “Leave him alone.”

“I have a bunch of little sisters, just like you.” He held out his palm. “I would do anything to protect them too.” He grinned when she lit on his palm. “Rue and I have that in common.”

“I don’t have brothers or sisters.” Colby’s antennae twitched. “Clay is kind of like Rue’s brother, so he’s kind of like my uncle.”

“Cool.” He glanced around him. “Are you okay to get wet?”

“I bathe,” she huffed. “Just not as much anymore.”

“I worried about your wings,” he rushed to explain. “Don’t moths have powder on them?”

“They’re scales, actually.” She flexed her wings. “Neat, huh?”

“Like a fish.” He inspected her outstretched pose to her satisfaction. “Very cool.”

While they chatted, I went to inspect the cage with the pups. They had dogpiled, for warmth or comfort, and the gentle flow of water appeared to soothe them. I didn’t want to breach the topic of their fate in front of Colby, but I made sure to lock gazes with Aedan to let him know I was onto him.

Once Colby was chatted out, I scooped her up, said our good nights, and went in search of sleep.