The spell was the magical equivalent of a freaking paternity test.

“Thanks, book.” I always tried my best to be polite. “But that won’t be necessary.”

I got up, put it away, and found Colby sulking in her rig.

“Ready to bake?” I went for upbeat and chipper, but I didn’t quite hit the mark. “Cake? Cookies? Both?”

“Clay had to go.” She spun her phone on her mousepad. “He and Asa had to follow a lead real quick.”


Maybe I had been projecting. Maybe Asa wasn’t mad at me. Maybe he was just busy.

Almost like he was working a case or something.

Against my better judgment, I found myself asking, “Would you like to meet Aedan?”

“You mean it?” She shot in the air. “He’s a good guy?”

“He seems to be.” I caught her in my hands. “We have a big decision to make first.”

“Um.” As usual, she hit the nail on the head. “Do we want him to know about me?”

“Yep.” I snuggled her against my chest. “He doesn’t have anywhere to go, so I’ve offered to let him stay on the property. He’s about the girls’ age, and he doesn’t have a lot of options. His big sister is trying to kill him and his siblings to steal their inheritance. Basically, lots of daemon drama.”

“It sounds like he needs us.” She squared her shoulders. “You like him, right?”

“I’m getting there.” I rubbed her back. “I just worry…”

“…about me,” she finished for me then wriggled free. “I can take care of myself now.”

The familiar bond had given her more confidence, which was a good thing, but I didn’t want her getting too cocky. I also didn’t want her to be afraid. Balance was hard. Trust was harder. Almost impossible.

Aedan had one big plus in his column, and that was he was a daemon, not a witch. He couldn’t bind Colby to him, and he had no reason to harm her. While the paranoid part of my brain insisted he could still capture her and attempt to cash in with a black witch eager for the power boost, I hadn’t gotten the impression he was the type of person to hurt kids. Just the opposite, in fact.

“Let’s take it slow,” I cautioned. “You can visit Aedan with me, or the guys, but not alone.”

“Deal.” Her whoop of joy was infectious. “Do you think he’ll be my friend?”

“I’m sure he will be.” I followed her out the front door. “In time.”

Free to zig and zag, Colby raced alongside me as we picked our way to the creek. Aedan heard us coming from a mile away, I was sure. He was sitting in the water, back to his usual blue, when we reached him.

“Hey.” He sat up straight. “Did you see that…?”

“Hi.” Colby zipped right in front of his face. “I’m Colby.”

Aedan fell backward with a splash, his peculiar eyes round with surprise as they shot to me.

“This is Colby,” I repeated, in case he missed it. “Tell anyone about her, and I will rip your spine out through your butthole. Hurt her, and I will rip your spine out through your butthole. Upset her, and I will rip your spine out through your butthole.”

“Rue,” Colby whined. “He won’t be my friend if you’re mean to him.”

A spark of understanding lit his eyes, and he shoved upright in the water. “This is your foster.”

“She’s my family,” I corrected, “and there are no depths I won’t sink to in order to protect her.”

“I understand.” A solemness overshadowed his features. “You know I do.”