“Not sure how much nature had to do with that.”

“Don’t miss your turn.”

“What?” I jerked to attention. “Goddess bless, I’m a mess.”

He had distracted me too well, and I overshot the turnoff to the house.

“Warn a girl next time.”

“I did.”

“Before we sail past my driveway.”

“It’s not my fault you were daydreaming about brookies and forgot about Ace.”

As I twisted in the seat for a better view backing the SUV down the road, I was tempted to smack him.

Sadly, it would only hurt my hand, and it wouldn’t teach him a lesson.

Asa wasn’t the only one who came with preprogrammed responses. Clay’s had been molded into him. It meant more to have him praise my choice-making abilities, given how few he had in life. Not that he was a robot, by any means, but he operated with the knowledge his freewill could be snatched from his fingers at any moment. One order from his master, and he lost any objections to his task.


That wasn’t right.

He retained the ability to object, to decide for himself it was wrong, but he could be forced to act against his conscience.

We reached the house as the front door swung open. Colby zipped out in a tizzy and made loops above our heads after we entered the wards with Asa.

“Tell me what to do.” Her eyes hardened with determination. “We got this.”

A swell of pride pushed against my breastbone at her rising self-confidence, despite all the hiccups along the way. The fact she included me, how she always made us a team, was its own peculiar morale booster. I had had partners in the past. Clay, obviously, had been my favorite, but the bond between Colby and me transcended even that, and I was proud of how far she had come.

“Let’s get him in.” I waved them toward the house. “We’ll put him in the spare room.”

Arms full of poisoned dae, Clay lumbered past and beat us to the bed where he set down his partner.

“Ready.” Colby lit on Asa’s shoulder and rubbed her hands together. “Let’s do this.”

Amusement quirked Clay’s lips at her enthusiasm, but she was eager to redeem herself in my eyes, as if I was anyone to impress. I worried she might never forgive herself for allowing the grimoire to creep into her thoughts and channel our familiar bond into searing magic that almost burned me alive.

Yet another reason why it was critical she learn to harness her power.

And protect her mind from outside influence.

Which would be easier if I could flambé that grimoire.

Hand on Asa’s shoulder, I reined in our familiar bond. “We do this slow and easy, okay?”

“Slow and easy.” She rubbed her temples. “I got it.”

Closing my eyes, I opened myself to our bond, pulling on her magic to supplement mine into a steady flow. Together, we fed power into Asa until viscous black fluid dripped from his pores, evaporating on his skin. He began to glow, and I don’t mean with health. Colby was a beacon, shining bright and banishing the darkness in his blood, and Asa glowed alongside her.

Within a few minutes, he finished purging, and his eyelids began to flutter against the light.

“Hold still,” I chided him. “We’re almost done.”

As soon as Colby gave me the nod, I scooped her up and severed contact with Asa to let him settle.