A pressure behind my breastbone propelled me forward as he rose, and I planted my feet before him to keep from running away from what I was about to say, how much it revealed about me.

“As far as I’m concerned, I have no blood relations left.” I winced as my nails bit into the meat of my palms. “Blood isn’t what binds a family.” I coaxed my fingers to flex. “Love and mutual respect do.” I filled my lungs. “You’re welcome to join mine, if you want.”

The force of his hug left me certain my eyes were on the verge of popping out of my skull.

“Thank you,” he murmured against my temple. “I won’t let you down.” I felt him smile. “Coz.”

A throat cleared behind me, and I nearly twisted an ankle whirling toward Asa. “Hey.”

“Sorry to interrupt.” He kept his distance. “Colby needs you to finalize our travel plans.”

“You’re not going to punch him for hugging me when I turn my back, are you?”

“He’s under your aegis. That makes him the safest daemon I know.”

“That wasn’t a no.”

Asa came to me then, slid his hands down my arms. “I won’t hurt him.”

“Mmm-hmm.” I returned the favor, smoothing my hands down his chest. “I’ll be in after I finish up here.”

“All right.” He kissed my temple. “I’ll be in my room, catching up on paperwork.”

Asa could have called or texted me, but he had come down to check on me in person. I suspected it had been an offer of emotional support, but I wasn’t ruling out ulterior motives. He was half fae, after all.

With the heavy lifting done, I settled in with Aedan and dialed Camber. I put the call on speaker, and the girls and I discussed his possible future at Hollis Apothecary.

I should have anticipated the squeeing.


