“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” Clay dipped his chin. “I honestly thought it was just talk until you met Asa.”

But he believed it enough to warn us off each other when it became obvious we couldn’t stop ourselves.

I had no doubt he thought he was protecting me. It was what he did best. But the earlier conversation with Asa came flooding back, reminding me of Clay’s original purpose. Did he still report to the director? I was sure he did. Did he tell him the truth or what he wanted to hear? I wasn’t as certain about that.

Damn his hide for making me question his motives again after all these years.

“I have a lot to process.” I stepped away from them both. “I’m going to cook dinner.”

Food steadied me, calmed me, and I could use all the Zen I could pan-fry to think this through.

Their eyes bored into my spine as I walked into the cabin, but I didn’t look back.