“The copycat couldn’t afford to compound the mistakes he already made. He would have performed an inventory on the troll’s belongings before committing to that identity. A remote tract of land might have been the tipping point in Olsen’s favor.” Asa put away his cell. “There’s no record of a structure on the property, but I’m sure Olsen had a small cabin, or even a cave, for when he hunted in inclement weather. Trolls don’t fare well in the cold.”

“This could be it.” A wave of nerves and nausea tangled in my gut. “Do we call for backup?”

“He’s on alert thanks to our visit.” Asa hummed. “We should take our chances before he bolts.”

“I’m good with that.” I wanted this over and done. I wanted to go home. To Colby. “Let’s do it.”

“Don’t I get a vote?” Clay stomped over to us. “I have opinions too.”

“We were waiting on you to make it unanimous.” I patted his arm. “Well? What do you think?”

“I agree with Ace,” he grumped. “If we don’t want to lose him, we have to move.”

“All righty then.” I got in the SUV, checked my phone, then settled in. “You have the address?”

Asa tapped the side of his head then fed the information to his phone’s GPS for the quickest route.

The best of all possible outcomes was the copycat had yet to take his first victim for his next piece.

The churn in my gut warned me not to get my hopes up, but it also reminded me what I had done to the man responsible for inspiring this killer. Nerves weren’t all to blame for my upset stomach. Hunger was a yawning void within me that hadn’t been filled in too long.

This killer was ruthless, powerful, merciless.

His heart would taste…delicious.