“Clayton Kerr.” I spotted her perched on the back of the sofa. “He won’t hurt you.”

The moth was the size of a house cat with white fuzz covering her abdomen and a wispy off-white mane. Pearlescent wings tucked close to her body, and her velvety legs were black with creamy, slipperlike feet. Though we had agreed the uppermost set would be deemed hands despite the lack of fingers.

“Who did he bring with him?”

“His new partner.” I sank into the cushions beside her. “I haven’t met him yet.”

“Why are they here?” She climbed down onto my lap for snuggles. “Why can’t they leave us alone?”

“I didn’t talk to them long enough to find out what they want.” I stroked her soft back. “Me, I imagine.”

“Does this mean we’re moving again?” Her antennae quivered, the hairs prickling. “I like it here.”

“I like it here too, but if we want to stay, we’ll have to talk to the agents. We’ll have to fight for it.”

“I’m not a baby,” she grumbled, her wide black eyes narrowing on mine. “I can help.”

“No.” I smiled down at her. “You’re not a baby.” I tickled her side. “You’re ten whole years old.”

Or she had been, when she died. That was ten years ago. Technically, she was twenty.

“I can do magic and everything.” She puffed up her downy fur. “I’m not great at it, but I will be.”

“You’re incredible for your age.” I drew her closer in a loose hug. “I’m very proud of you.”

“Do you have the clay man’s number?”

“I do.”

“Call him.”

The phone in my hand weighed a thousand pounds, which made pressing the familiar digits a Herculean feat. Thumb hovering over the call button, I checked with Colby one last time. “Are you sure?”

In answer, she used one of her feet to initiate the call before I could chicken out. “Yep.”

Clay answered on the first ring. “Kerr.”

“Hey,” I said awkwardly. “How are you feeling?”

“Less like a statue than I did an hour ago.”

Like me, Clay’s new partner would have been trained in how to reanimate him.

But I still felt guilty for incapacitating him.

“I heard you paid me a house call.”

“That old biddy shot me in the ass.” He chuckled. “Funniest damn thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Mrs. Gleason takes care of me.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” His voice softened. “Did you call just to check on me or…?”

“I want to talk.” I rested a hand on Colby for comfort. “You came here for a reason, and I want to hear it.”

“We can be at your place in twenty minutes.”

“I’ll be waiting.” I ended the call. “Goddess bless, what a mess.”