His bosses didn’t know anything about a daughter, missing or not, and claimed he was on leave.

But, during that period, three grievances had been filed against him for aggression toward coworkers.

Meaning he had, for whatever reason, shown up to work while he was cleared for an extended vacation.

Those were the only black marks on his record with the company in over twenty years of employment.

Everyone grieved in their own way. I took no issue with Mr. Olsen snapping at people while he mourned.

Could even be that grief drove him to work to occupy his time. If so, why not report in and get paid?

Based on my glimpse of his living situation, he could use the money, so what had kept him coming back to work without compensation? Surely not the goodness of his heart. No one nine-to-fived for that.

A timer buzzed to let me know Colby would be expecting my call in five. After I raked my fingers through my hair, I did my best not to appear sleep deprived or stressed over the case as I dialed her number.

“You remembered.” Her face filled the screen. “I feel so special.”


“I don’t wear pants.”

“Smarty fuzz butt.”

“Hey, now that’s rude. Do I talk about your butt fuzz?”

Heat crept up my nape when it occurred to me the guys could probably hear every word.

With that in mind, I quickly redirected our conversation. “How are things on the home front?”

“I don’t want you to freak out or anything if I tell you this.” She eyed me. “Promise?”

“I’m already freaking out hearing those words, so rip off the Band-Aid.”

“I miss you.” She held up two hands. “Not enough for you to come home or anything.”

“Aww.” I made kissy noises at her. “I miss you too.”

“Eww.” She blocked the camera with a wing. “Stop it, or I’ll puke.”

“Fine.” I waited to see her face again. “It’s weird hanging out with boys all day.”

“Clay seems cool.” She cut her eyes toward her computer screen and the battle raging there. “Asa is…”

“…also surprisingly cool.” I kept my assessment rated PG. “I haven’t worked with a daemon or a fae. He’s a twofer. Both halves seem equally cool.” I opened my mouth to say more but what came out was, “He’s got pretty hair.” Dang it, brain. You had one job. “Then again, so does Clay. Though I must confess not all wigs are created equal.”


“Enough about me.” I squinted at the screen. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing much right now. Most of my team is asleep.”

“This is way early for you guys.” I noticed the pile of snacks beside her keyboard. “You stayed up all night.” I clutched my chest in feigned shock. “That’s why you’ve got crust in your eyes, and your friends are MIA.”

“I don’t have crusty eyes.” She rubbed at them. “I couldn’t sleep anyway.”

“I’ll give you a one-time pass.” I got serious. “It’s unnerving any time the wards blink.”

Voice small, she asked, “It scares you too?”