Ahard bump jostled me awake, and I murmured, “No jumping on the bed.”

For a moth, Colby had surprising heft. She probably weighed a good ten pounds.

“Rue?” A warm hand cradled my cheek. “How do you feel?”

The touch flung my eyes wide open, and I got a prime view of a half-naked Asa. “Where’s your shirt?”

Oh, yeah. I was blaming brain damage for the fact his cut torso was mesmerizing me.

“I lost it when I shifted.” A furrow tightened his brow. “Do you remember what happened?”

“The end is a little fuzzy.” I moved my arm and bumped his knee. “Am I…in your lap?”

A snort from up front confirmed it. We were back in the SUV. The bump must have been a pothole.

“Yes,” Asa said softly. “You were unconscious.”

Another memory burst to the forefront of my mind, and I clamped a hand over my mouth. “No.”

I swallowed once, twice to test for any coppery aftertaste, but all I found was dirt and a piece of grass.

“You didn’t eat the heart,” Asa confirmed. “You said no, and I didn’t force it on you.”

“Thank you.” I placed my hand on my stomach. “I don’t want to be that person again.”

Had I caved today, I couldn’t have faced Colby. I would have failed her, and myself.

A tickle on the arm tucked against Asa left me brushing long black strands off my elbow.

Caving to my earlier impulse, I smoothed the strands between my fingers. “Your hair is soft.”

The SUV swerved as Clay jerked his gaze to the rearview mirror. “Rue…”

“I don’t mind.” Asa watched me. “You can touch it.”

A laugh bubbled up the back of my throat. “That sounds so wrong.”

“I agree,” Clay grumbled. “You’re better off keeping your hands to yourself.”

A low growl vibrated through Asa as their gazes clashed in the reflection, but I was too tired to care.

“I’m going to nap now,” I announced to avoid them freaking out when my eyes didn’t open again.

I fell asleep with a lock of Asa’s hair curled around my finger.

* * *

“Rue.”The weight of a chonky house cat landed on my chest. For real this time. “Wake up.”


“I don’t weigh that much.” Colby jabbed my cheek with a foot. “Open your eyes.”

The nap had done me good. I wasn’t back to my usual self, but I was getting there. No hearts required.

“There.” I widened my eyes until they bulged as I stared down at her. “Are you happy now?”