
If anything, Rayna looked angrier at me now than she did when she left. I took a breath and said, “Please, Rayna, can we talk?”

“Oh?” she asked, “Need to tell me how important it is for me to behave properly? Need to make sure I realize how important it is to set goals for my life? Need to turn me into your perfect little performing seal for all your friends?”

I winced and said, “I deserved that.”

She didn’t expect me to respond that way and her anger falters a little into confusion.

“I took an Uber here,” I said. “Can I get a ride home?”

She sighed and said, “Fine, but I don’t want to hear a word out of you.”

“Okay,” I said. “I deserved that too.”

True to our words, we remained silent on the drive. I glanced at her occasionally, but she kept her gaze stoically on the road ahead, refusing even to look at me. I breathed a silent prayer that we would be able to work this out. I had a plan but I didn’t expect her to be this angry.

Still, I had to try.

As soon as we got home, I said, in a stern voice, “Little girl, get undressed and kneel.”

She looked sharply at me, and it took all of my willpower to keep the commanding tone in her voice as I met her eyes and said, “Now, little girl.”

She took a deep breath and seemed ready to launch into a tirade at me. Instead, she released the breath and stalked to the bedroom.

I wondered for a moment if that was it if now was the end and she was going to pack her belongings and walk out without ever saying another word to me. I decided then that if she did that, I would let her leave. If I learned anything today, it was that forcing her to do anything wouldn’t work. It was my command but her choice to obey.

She returned to the living room naked, and I nearly collapsed with relief. She knelt in front of me and though she was submitting, her expression was as infuriated as ever.

I went through the ritual like normal. “Tell me you’re beautiful, little girl.”

“I’m beautiful,” she said flatly.

She didn’t call me Daddy. I had to stifle a sharp stab of pain and remind myself that she was, after all, kneeling in front of me and submitting to the ritual. She was angry but there was still a chance.

“Tell me about your body.”

“Oh, it’s lovely,” she said. “The best body on Earth. I’m drop-dead gorgeous. A knockout. Men line up just for the chance to stare at me and weep that they can’t have me.”

“That’s enough!” I barked.

She jumped and stared at me wide-eyed, and I continued. “Now tell me about your body without the sarcasm.”

“I wasn’t being sarcastic because I don’t believe I’m beautiful,” she retorted. “I’m being sarcastic because I'm mad at you and you’re still making me do this stupid ritual.”

“That’s right, little girl,” I replied. “I am. And you agreed to submit to me in this area so as long as you’re my little girl, you will tell me about your body with no sarcasm and no anger.”

She stared at me for a long while and I once more worried that this would be the end. She didn’t leave, however. After what felt like an eternity, she took a deep breath and said in a much more modulated tone, “I’m beautiful. My body is beautiful. I really am lovely to look at. I’m shapely and curvy and I have stunning eyes and wonderful hair. I have amazing breasts and my vagina is perfect and looks as incredible as it feels. Is that enough?”

I decide to let the mild sarcasm at the end go and say, “That’s enough for that question. Now, I have an instruction to give you.”

“I’ll bet you do,” she muttered.

I let that pass as well and said, “You don’t have to do anything just because someone else thinks you should do it. Do you understand?”

She looks at me with confusion, but says, “I understand.”