“It’s nothing compared to the thought of losing you,” he murmured, holding her gaze with his. “I’m sorry I hurt you, Rachel. I didn’t mean to. I never should have allowed my faith to waver.”

Her heart melted at his words, and she would have engulfed him in a huge hug if not for the fact that Nick looked as if he was hanging on by a thread. His brow was damp with sweat and his face was pale, two indications that he absolutely should not have left the hospital.

“Nick!” Joey cried as he ran forward, putting his arms around Nick’s waist and hugging him hard. She caught the wince on Nick’s features, but he didn’t protest. “You’re here!”

“Yeah, I’m here, buddy.”

“Are you all better now?” Joey asked, tipping his head back to look up at Nick.

“Not exactly...” Nick said drily.

“Not at all,” Rachel interjected with a deep frown. “You need to get back to Madison, Nick. The surgeon told me that the first twenty-four hours are critical. It’s barely been twelve hours since surgery and a good portion of that had to be traveling here.”

“Maybe you’re right,” he said, and the fact that he didn’t try to argue with her was worrisome.

Before she could say anything more, he let go of Joey and slid down the wall to the floor.

“I told him to stay behind, but did he listen? No, he didn’t.” Sean’s tone held disgust. “I guess we’d better call 911, the only way he’s getting out of here is in an ambulance.”

“I’ve already called 911,” George said, coming down the hall toward them. “You made me nervous, and when you didn’t come down right away, I decided to make the call. Good thing I did. The cops should be here any minute.”

“Make sure there’s an ambulance, too, would you, George?” she asked. She’d sat down on the floor beside Nick, holding his head in her lap, unwilling to let him go, even for a minute.

“That surgeon is going to say ‘I told you so,’” Sean joked, as he stared down at Nick’s prone figure.

“Was worth it,” Nick murmured in a voice so soft Rachel was sure she was the only one who could hear him.

“Rest now, Nick,” she said, smoothing her fingers down his rough, bristly cheek. “We’re safe now....”

There was a lot of commotion when the police arrived and soon after an ambulance crew showed up carrying a gurney.

She thought Nick was out cold, but suddenly his eyes opened and he reached for her hand. “Come with me to the hospital,” he said hoarsely.

“I’ll meet you there,” she promised. “Just do what the doctor says this time, okay?”

Grimacing, he nodded his head. Then she slid out of the way, allowing the paramedics to lift Nick onto the gurney.

And for the second time in less than twenty-four hours, she stood with her arm around Joey, watching as the paramedics wheeled away the man she loved.

* * *

After Sean had handed Karl over to the Chicago authorities and she’d once again given her statement to the police, she convinced Sean to take her and Joey home.

Once there, she gave him the money she owed him, even though he kept trying to wave it away.

“Please take the money,” she begged. “You’ve already done so much for me and my son. Please?”

Sean reluctantly took the cash. “Do you want me to drive you to the hospital before I head home?” he asked gruffly.

She hesitated but then shook her head. “No, we can take a cab or the subway. Getting around Chicago is much easier than trying to get around in Madison,” she teased.

“Hey, I live out in the boondocks, so this is all new to me,” the officer said with a wry grin. “We don’t get this kind of big-city crime where I come from.”

Her smile faded. “Be glad, Sean. Be very glad.”

He slung his arm across her shoulder in a friendly hug. “Don’t worry, this was enough excitement to last me quite a while.”

After he left, she decided to take a shower before heading back to the hospital. She urged Joey to take one, too.

Freshly scrubbed and wearing clean clothing made her feel like a new person, although it was clear her son was still exhausted. She was tired, too, but she wanted to see Nick in the hospital, one more time, before they came home to sleep.

And even though she knew she could call a babysitter to stay home with Joey, she preferred to keep him with her, despite being certain the danger was finally over.