Every instinct in his body protested, but he knew very well that if the situation was reversed, he’d ask the exact same thing. Children were a cherished gift from God and they deserved a chance to be protected. As much as he didn’t want to lose Rachel, he knew he had to give her this much.

“I promise,” he vowed, silently asking God to spare both Rachel and Joey so he wouldn’t be forced to make an impossible choice.

* * *

Rachel rubbed her sweaty palms on the sides of her jeans before picking up the pen to sign over her shares of the company stock to Gerry Ashton. She couldn’t help glancing at her watch, wondering if right now, the kidnapper was somewhere close watching them.

“Are you sure about this, Rachel?” Edward Callahan asked. The poor bank manager had been beside himself since they’d arrived. She wanted to believe he cared about her, but she suspected the large withdrawal of cash was the main source of his concern.

“Absolutely.” She wasn’t nervous about selling off her company; she was worried about Joey. Because the moment Edward handed over the cash, she’d have to call the kidnappers.

Please, Lord, please don’t let them hurt my son.

The transaction was completed with ridiculous simplicity—she was sure she’d completed far more paperwork when she’d bought her house eight years ago.

A house that she’d have to sell, once she had her son back. She shoved the thoughts away, refusing to dwell on her decision. She’d give up everything she owned to get Joey back.

“I have the cash pulled together in the vault,” Edward said as Gerry finished his portion of the agreement. “It wasn’t easy... I had to send couriers to several other branches to get what you needed. I—uh, put it all in a large duffel bag for you. I didn’t want it to look too obvious as you left the building. A cashier’s check would be much safer,” he added, even though he’d already lectured her on the perils of walking around with so much money.

“I know, thanks, Edward.” She forced a smile as she turned toward Gerry. “I haven’t told anyone at the office yet, but I’d appreciate it if you’d tell Edith first, privately.”

Gerry’s forehead was puckered in a concerned frown. “I will. Rachel, I wish there was more I could do to help you....”

“You’ve helped more than you could ever know,” she assured him. “Thanks again.”

Gerry gave her a quick hug and then tucked his copy of the paperwork into his briefcase and made his way toward the door. She turned her attention toward the bank manager. “I’m ready.”

Nick stayed close at her side as they walked into the bank vault. Edward used his ID to open the first door and then punched in a key to access the second door. Once inside the vault, she saw the duffel bag he’d mentioned, surprised to find that it was the size of a small suitcase.

“I promise it’s all there,” Edward said, as she opened the bag and went through the contents. She’d never seen so much money before, especially not such crisp one-thousand-dollar bills.

“I’m sure you’ll understand Rachel’s need to verify the amount,” Nick said, standing over her as if worried the bank manager himself was in on the kidnapping.

“Of course,” Edward agreed, discreetly wiping more sweat from his brow.

She focused on the task at hand. The thousand-dollar bills were bound in stacks of one hundred so it didn’t take long to validate the amount was correct. “Thanks again, Edward,” she said, as she rose to her feet, slinging the duffel bag strap over her shoulder.

“We’d like to leave through the back door,” Nick announced.

Edward nodded and led the way back out the vault, pausing long enough to close and lock both doors before he took them to the back of the bank.

Nick stayed close to her side as they left the building and climbed back into the car. She crammed the duffel bag on the floor between her feet, too afraid to store it in the backseat. The minute they were settled, she pulled out her phone.

“Wait just a minute, okay?” Nick said, putting a hand on her arm. “Let me call Jonah first.”

The image of her son being hurt was impossible to ignore. It took every ounce of willpower for her to wait for Nick to call Jonah. He hadn’t even completed his call when she quickly texted the kidnapper, I have the money.

Within seconds, her phone rang. Before she could push the button to answer, Nick whispered, “Put the call on speaker.”

With trembling fingers she did as he directed. “This is Rachel.”