She wondered how long Nick would have to stay off duty as a result of his gunshot wound and hoped it wouldn’t be too long. Grimly, she realized there was no way she’d ever be able to repay him for everything he’d done for her and for Joey.

He’d put his life and his career on the line for them. More than once. Without Nick’s help she wouldn’t have managed to get Joey back.

Not only had he kept them both safe, but he’d also taught them to believe in God.

Yet all she could offer in return was to pray for him to recover with the full use of his arm.

* * *

“Ms. Simon?” A hand shook her awake and she blinked, momentarily confused as to where she was. Then she recognized the unmistakable antiseptic smell of a hospital.

“What?” She winced when her neck muscles tightened painfully as she turned toward the hospital employee. “Nick? Is he out of surgery?”

“Yes. The doctor is on his way down to talk to you.”

Joey was still asleep beside her and she tried not to wake him as she eased away. She rubbed her hands over her gritty eyes and was surprised to find that the sky outside was beginning to lighten.

A harried surgeon wearing green scrubs came into the room. “Ms. Simon? I’m Dr. Wagner. Detective Butler’s surgery went well. We were able to save his arm, although it was touch and go for a while as his brachial artery was injured. He’s just about finished in the recovery area and then will be sent to the ICU where they can watch him more closely.” He smiled compassionately. “You’ll be able to visit him in about forty-five minutes or so.”

Her mind was spinning with all the information he’d told her. Although she was certainly relieved that Nick had made it through the surgery, she still couldn’t help worrying. “Is there any way he could still lose his arm?” she asked.

For a moment hesitation shadowed the doctor’s eyes. “We’re going to keep a close eye on his circulation. If there’s any change, we’ll take him back to surgery. We’ll know more after twenty-four hours or so.”

Rachel nodded to indicate she understood. “Thank you,” she whispered.

The doctor flashed a brief smile before he turned and left. Joey woke up, complaining that he was hungry. Unfortunately, Rachel didn’t have any money on her, not even an ID. They’d left everything they had in the cabin, which was likely burned beyond repair by now.

“Here, these are meal passes for the cafeteria,” the woman behind the desk said, offering up two small plastic cards. “They’re worth about five dollars each.”

“Thank you so much,” Rachel murmured, taking them gratefully. Getting something to eat would help pass the time until she and Joey could visit Nick in the ICU.

It was closer to an hour later before the ICU called down for them. She held tightly on to Joey’s hand as they went into the critical-care area. Nick’s room was the second door on the left, so they cautiously approached.

“He looks bad, Mom,” Joey choked out, his eyes filling with tears. “He looks like he’s going to die.”

“Joey, listen to me. The doctor said Nick is stable. He wouldn’t lie to us. It’s just that Nick is connected to lots of machines right now.” She did her best to soothe her son, although she felt just as awful seeing Nick like this.

Rachel stepped forward and took Nick’s uninjured hand in hers. “Nick, it’s me, Rachel. Joey is here, too. The doctor said you’re going to be fine. Do you hear me? You’re going to be just fine.”

Nick’s eyelids fluttered for a moment and he looked directly at her. She smiled. “They said your arm should heal. I don’t want you to worry about anything, okay?”

“Where am I?” he asked, his eyes full of confusion.

She tried not to let her fear show. “You’re at the hospital in Madison. You just had surgery on your arm.”

“But I—can’t feel my arm,” he whispered in agony.

“Your arm is right here.” She patted the heavily bandaged limb gently. “The doctor said there’s a good chance you’ll make a full recovery.” She made sure her tone was encouraging.

“I can’t—” Nick stopped, closed his eyes, and turned his head away as if shutting her out.

Rejection seared her soul and she stepped back, keeping her expression neutral for Joey’s sake. She didn’t want to leave, but he’d made his feelings clear. Did he really think he was going to lose his arm? Where was his faith in God?