“Go to the abandoned barn located twenty miles outside the city near the intersection of Highway F and Highway 93 in exactly one hour,” the mechanically distorted voice directed. “Come alone or your son will pay the price.”

Rachel swallowed hard. “I’ll be there,” she whispered, never doubting for one moment the kidnapper would make good on his threat.

If he hadn’t hurt Joey already.


Nick watched the blood drain from Rachel’s face, leaving her pale and shaking. He wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms and offer comfort, but this wasn’t the time or the place. Right now, they had to get to the abandoned barn as soon as possible, if they were going to be successful in getting Joey back.

He called Jonah, repeating the kidnapper’s directives. “I’m not sure where this place is, but we need to take only one car, as it doesn’t sound like there’s a lot of cover,” he told his friend. “And, if you don’t mind, it might be best if we take your car to change it up a bit. Rachel and I have been driving around town in mine, and the kidnappers might recognize it. What do you think, buddy?”

“Sounds good.” Jonah quickly gave him directions to where he was parked at his hotel on the edge of town and they agreed to meet there in less than ten minutes.

“It’s almost over, Rachel,” he said, reaching out to squeeze her hand before he put the car in gear and drove away from the bank. “We’re going to get Joey back.”

“I’m so scared,” she whispered. “There are so many things that could go wrong.”

“Try not to think of the worst-case scenario,” he advised, knowing that was his job.

“I won’t. But I’ll be glad when this is over.”

He didn’t bother pointing out that even if they managed to get Joey back unharmed, the nightmare might not be over. There was no guarantee the kidnapper would simply disappear once this exchange was completed. Especially since Morales was nothing more than a hired thug, doing what he was told. Whether the source of the kidnapping was the Mafia or someone related to her company, Rachel and Joey could still be in danger.

And of the two scenarios, he still found himself leaning toward the possibility that this was all somehow connected to her company.

He slowly unclenched his hands from the steering wheel. He needed to keep a cool head. Right now, it was best to focus on the upcoming swap. Later, there would be plenty of time to think about who was behind this.

The moment he pulled into the hotel parking lot, they quickly switched vehicles. Rachel lugged the duffel bag of money and Jonah handed the keys to Nick, choosing to climb into the backseat.

Nick quickly introduced the two and then started the engine. “Pleased to meet you, Rachel,” Jonah Stewart said as he buckled himself in.

Rachel tried to smile, but it wasn’t much of one. “Thanks for helping us.”

“I don’t mind at all. We’re going to get your son back, Ms. Simon,” Jonah said reassuringly.

“Please, call me Rachel.”

Nick listened to their brief conversation as he drove, pushing the speed limit as much as he dared while following the directions leading them to the designated meeting spot. The GPS took them directly out of town, into farm country. As the traffic thinned, he pushed his speed even further, wanting to make good time.

The kidnapper hadn’t chosen the location or the tight timeline by accident. Clearly the guy didn’t want to give them too much time to prepare. And Nick absolutely didn’t want to get there after the kidnappers were already there. He was hoping that the perpetrators might have to pick up Joey first, before meeting them, which would give them the time they needed.

A half hour would be nice, but he’d take less time if he had to. They would need every second to get the lay of the land. And to get Jonah hidden someplace nearby where no one would see him.

“Dear Lord, please keep my son safe in Your care,” Rachel whispered.

Her quiet prayer caught him off guard, but he quickly joined in. “And, Lord, please guide us and give us strength as we fight to get Joey back safe and sound.”

“Amen,” Jonah said from the backseat. Rachel glanced over her shoulder at Jonah in surprise.

Nick reached over and squeezed her hand. “Jonah is a believer, too.”

“Good to know,” she said in a soft voice. “I feel like I need all the help we can get.” There was a slight pause before she asked, “Does praying always make you feel calmer?”