Maybe she should have pushed the keg a teensy bit harder, at that.

They got the last of the kegs unloaded without any more mishaps. He loaded the empty dolly into the back of her truck and slammed the tailgate into place.

“You should stick around,” he said, leaning against the truck. “Dan’s got a sheep rodeo planned for the kids. There’s going to be head injuries for sure.”

“I like kids,” Hannah said. “I’m not nearly as excited by the prospect of head injuries.”

Dallas grinned. Sunlight hit his eyes and brought out the amber. Holy cow. Not much wonder she’d had no trouble dropping her panties for him.

Simone hadn’t had any, either.

“Believe me, I’m not excited,” he said. “I already told Dan it was a bad idea, but it seems his nieces and nephews are invested. You could keep me company while the disaster unfolds.”

He had to be kidding. Half of Grand had just seen him leave the garage with Simone.

“I’ve got to get back to work,” she said. Picking up where they’d left off was not going to happen. She walked around him to get to the door of her truck.

He followed. “I could give you a call.”

Thankfully, the door opened. She slammed it behind her. The air conditioner didn’t work so the window was down.

“Enjoy the open house,” she said.