“What’s that supposed to mean?” She squints at me, and I notice for the first time just how mean her beady little eyes can be.
“I found him a match. Me.”
Mary splutters, and her face starts to get a strange purple tinge to it. Oh dear.
“But that’s… what about the dates… our reputation… I’ve never heard of this…” Mary’s in a full-on tailspin.
I reach over and pat her hand. “I’m going to make it really easy for you. I quit.”
“What? When? How?” She’s spluttering now.
“I quit. Right now. I’m with Dean, and you never have to see me again. Thanks for the opportunity to work here. I’ll see myself out.”
As I stand and walk back to my desk, I notice all my colleagues are out to lunch, and the floor is basically empty. I’ll have to catch up with Ellen to tell her about my new job at Smash and how I’ve quit in such a dramatic fashion. I practically skip to the elevator once I’ve gathered up the few personal belongings I kept in my cubicle.
What a stunning turn of events.
I quit my job!
I couldn’t see any other way around it, and anyway, it was pretty dire working under Mary’s thumb. I have something so much more fun to go to from now on. Onward and upward.
It’s only really been a day, and I’m not sure I fully understand, but certainly, my head has to catch up with my heart. But one thing I’m sure of is how I feel about Dean. I feel different. That magical, mysterious thing,chemistry, that I always talk about, we have it by the bucketloads.