My mouth drops open. “Why would you do that? Hold on, you just saidlast week—”
“I knew last week something was going on between us.” He shrugs as though it’s all perfectly reasonable.
“Then after our date, and don’t deny it was a date, I told him I had a potentially complicated situation on my hands, and I didn’t want to be putting pressure on you to attend an event when the whole reason we ever crossed paths was for you to find me a date to that same function.”
“You told your friend about me?” I’m so confused.
“Yes, James knows all about you. He was pestering me about who I was bringing for the seating chart, and I caved and told him about this whole situation to get him off my back.”
“Oh God.” I cover my face with my hands, and Dean pulls them away, holding them in both of his.
“When I thought about it, I realized that the only way you’d know I was serious about you was to go to the wedding alone.”
I ponder that for a second. It seems counter-intuitive, but I quickly realize he’s absolutely right. Telling his friend that he’d go stag to the wedding is, in fact, quite reassuring because it means he’s started something with me with no agenda, and us being together has nothing to do with finding a convenient date to get his parents off his back.
A smile tugs at my lips, and I think of all the trouble I went to trying to tee up a date for him when all along, he had plans of his own that didn’t even include taking a date to the blasted wedding.
“You don’t like things simple, do you, Dean?” I ask, and he laughs.
“I did once upon a time, but this is new territory for me. I’m doing quite well, aren’t I?”
“You really are,” I say and lean in, planting a kiss on his cheek. He cups the side of my face and pulls me in for a proper, thorough kiss that leaves me breathless. “I think I should go to the wedding, though, but only if you want me with you,” I add quickly. “Your poor mom…”
“Of course, I want you there with me. It just needed to be done this way, so you’d never think I was using you for my convenience,” he stresses, studying my face. “I’m thrilled you can come with me. I’m worried about your job, though. This is going to be a problem, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, you could say that.” I drop his hand. I have no idea how I’m going to get around this at work. The instructions were very clear—find him a date for the wedding, or it’s my job. Technically, I did find him a date, but there’s no way that Match X will keep me on as an employee when I’ve slept with a client.
He continues, “Ever since I met you, I’ve barely been able to focus on anything else. On the first couple of dates you organized, I thought maybe I was crazy. I couldn’t get you out of my head. None of the other women even registered. You’ve literally been in my dreams, and all I could think about was how frustrating it was to be on dates with other women when all I wanted was to be with you.”
“Oh, Dean,” I sigh, overtaken by relief. He pulls me into his strong arms, our towels now fluffy, annoying barriers.
“You definitely deserve better than me, but I’ve attempted to take on everything you taught me these last couple of weeks, and I’m trying. I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“I’m not disappointed. You’re getting it all right, Dean.” I tip my head and gaze at his handsome face, his warm eyes focused on me, full of concern. “I’ll work out the job thing, one way or another. Speaking of which, I better get home and get myself organized. Not everyone has the day off.” I give him a hard-hearted push, which is really an excuse to put my hand on his bare chest.
He pulls me in for another kiss, and I let myself enjoy it because my day is very likely to be all downhill from here.