Page 88 of Last Chance

My stomach isin knots as I push open that door. My heart is hammering so hard in my chest I’m surprised it’s not interfering with the hospital equipment. This is a now or never moment. Our lives are about to be flipped upside down. However, our relationship ends up, what’s about to happen is going to connect us together our whole lives. I wipe my brow down before opening the door fully.

“Max…” She cries my name as tears flow down her cheeks.

“Ali, I’m here. I’m so sorry. I got here as soon as I could.” My feet run to her side, her face pink, body covered in a gown and by my limited knowledge of birthing (I read more pregnancy books and Google pages but somehow kept skipping the actual birthing parts) she’s well into labour.

Emma is on her other side. I watch as she squeezes her hand and places a kiss on her forehead.

“You’re doing amazing, Alison. I’m so proud of you, babe. I really am.” She leaves another kiss before dropping her hand. “I’ll leave you too it now, okay? I’ll be outside if you need me.”

She walks around the bed and wraps her arms around me in a hug. I pull her close to me.

“Good Luck, Daddy,” she says as she lets go.

“Thank you so much for being with me, Em.” Ali purses her sweet lips into a kiss before a look of overwhelming pain crashes over her as another contraction ripples through her body. Emma’s gone in a swish of bright blue hair, and I pick up Ali’s hand and grasp it in my own. It’s so hot, and she squeezes.

“Ali, baby, I’m sorry I’m late. But you’re already doing so good.”

“It’s not what it’s supposed to be.”

“No, Angel, but nothing ever is. And everything’s okay. You’re okay. Baby’s…”

I can’t say it. Nobody has confirmed the baby’s fine, but I just couldn’t think that there was a possibility she’s not.

The midwife in the room turns back to Ali and puts down her clipboard.

“Everything is fine as far as we can see. Baby is still happy, just wants to come out a bit early. Good thing your husband got here in time, she’s on her way for certain. You’re going to have to start pushing soon, Alison.”

“Oh I’m not her husband,” I mumble as I lean down and kiss Ali’s forehead as her vice like grip gets stronger—I’m pretty sure she might break my fingers before this is over. But I’d let her, every single one if it took an ounce of her pain away, I’d do it.

“I’m Jazzminda by the way, Jazz will do,” the midwife says as she looks at me. Then she does a double take. Fuck, have I got something on my face or something, she’s really staring.

“Oh wow. You really are Max Baines.”

“Err…” I turn to Ali in confusion and if she wasn’t in such pain, I know she’d be laughing as she rolls her eyes.

“I did try and tell you,” she grunts.

“Sorry, I thought it was the gas and air making you go a bit delirious. But you really are having a baby with the lead singer of Blank Space.”

I let out a nervous chuckle. Jazz is clearly not a fan of the gossip columns. Or just doesn’t have Twitter.

Either way. I’m happy she’s here looking after my girl.

She repeats her words from earlier. She’s asking Ali to push. I’m pretty sure that means the baby is ready to come. A look of terror flashes over her sweet face, but there’s this determination in her eyes like I’ve never seen before. I’m so damn proud of her, right now and all times. She’s a hero, my fucking hero.

I let her squeeze my hand tighter as Jazz moves around underneath her gown again. Prodding and measuring and then there’s this nod and Ali starts to push.

“Come on, Angel, we’re going to meet her. The little girl we’re going to give all of the world to. I’m so proud of you, so proud of her already for the beautiful life she’s going to have with you as her mummy and me as her daddy. I hope she’s going to be studious and clever like you, with a big heart and a sensible head. With your beautiful big green eyes. She’s going to sing with me, I’ll teach her to play the guitar. I’ll even finish learning to play the piano properly so I can play to her. When she cries, I’ll sing her to sleep. Every single night. I won’t be away from her, from you, from our perfect little family.”

Ali keeps pushing, and I place another kiss on her forehead as Jazz tells her how well she’s doing. That she’s just got to keep going as the baby is coming.

I keep talking, keep telling her how our life is going to go. How good it’s going to be as I watch her body perform this miracle, as the tears fall down her cheeks as the pain whips through her body.

“You and me and her. We’ll live in London, but we’ll buy a house in the country too, a big one. Close to the sea maybe, so we can swim in the cold water. We can walk the dog. All of us together. I suppose we’ll have to buy a dog. Or maybe rescue one. Yeah, that would be cool. We’ll give one a home that maybe wouldn’t have had one. A bit like my mum did for me. Not that we were like dogs in a shelter or anything, but you get the idea. We’ll tell our little girl all about my mum, about her granny and how much she would have adored her.”

I pause as I admire Ali again. She’s such a marvellous fucking creature it amazes me. Her body has changed, it’s made a home for our little life and now she’s changing again to bring her into the world. I’m in awe of her. Her stamina, her complete determination. I let a couple of tears cover my eyes as her hands squeeze tighter to mine. Her cry is loud this time. So damn loud. And I know this is the one. The last push Jazz has just said is about to end this. And will start our biggest adventure ever.