Page 73 of Blind Trust

She rested her head on his shoulder, reveling in his comforting scent. Now that the danger was over and the bad guys had been captured, she knew that her time with Finn had come to an end. It was heartbreaking, even though she understood it was for the best.

“Officer Gallagher?”

Finn straightened quickly when Dr. Dubois called his name. “Yes?”

“I need to do a minor surgical procedure on Abernathy. He’s bleeding internally, and I need to find the source and cauterize it.”

“Surgery?” She felt Finn’s muscles tense with anxiety.

Dr. Dubois smiled gently. “It won’t take long. Abernathy is in perfect shape. I don’t expect to encounter any problems or complications.”

“Do it.” Finn’s voice was low and raspy. “Take care of my partner.”

“I will. And when I’m finished with Abernathy I’ll check out the chocolate Lab.”

“Thank you.” Eva wasn’t sure the vet heard as she disappeared behind the closed door.

“Surgery,” Finn whispered.

“It’s okay. As Dr. Dubois said, Abernathy is strong and healthy. He’s going to do fine.”

Finn surprised her by turning and leaning on her for support. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair. “If he doesn’t make it...” He couldn’t finish.

She clutched him close, in awe that the big strong Finn Gallagher was seeking support from her. “He will. We’ll pray for God to watch over him.”

“Dear Lord, please keep Abernathy safe in Your care.” Finn’s anguished whisper resonated deep within.

“And Cocoa, too. Amen,” she added, then ruined the moment by coughing. Finn didn’t seem to mind. He only clutched her closer.

They stayed like that for a long time, finding comfort and support in each other’s arms.

* * *

“Officer Gallagher?”

At the sound of his name, Finn forced himself to let go of Eva long enough to turn toward the vet. “Is he okay?”

The pretty redhead smiled and nodded. “He tolerated the procedure very well. He’ll need to stay here overnight, but barring any complications, he’ll be discharged into your care tomorrow morning.”

A wave of relief washed over him. “Good. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Dr. Dubois glanced at Eva. “I’ve examined Cocoa, too, and have some lab tests pending. He looks a little malnourished and dehydrated, but I don’t see anything more serious. His lungs sound okay, too. I’ve given him a fluid bolus—you’ll see the bulge in the back of his neck—and have given him some moist dog food. He only ate a small amount, so over the next few days I want you to feed him three times a day. I need a little more time for the tests to come back, then he’ll be ready for discharge, too.”

Malnourished and dehydrated. The words made anger burn in his gut all over again. First Abernathy, now Cocoa. The little pup had proved his worth helping to get Eva out of the burning house. Greer and Ulrich didn’t value human or animal life, and frankly, he couldn’t wait to testify against those jerks at trial.

“I don’t have any wet dog food at home. You’ll have to tell me what kind to get.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to point out she didn’t have a home, but there was time to worry about where she’d spend the night later.

“Not a problem.” Dr. Dubois waved a hand. “I’ll send you home with samples. Once those are gone, you can switch back to dry food. I’m sure he’ll get his appetite back in no time.”

Eva nodded but didn’t say anything more. Her coughing seemed to be getting better, but he still wanted her to get medical care.

“I’ll get you to the hospital soon,” he promised.

“No need. My cough isn’t as bad as it was.”

Stubborn woman. When the vet left them alone, Finn drew Eva into his arms. She hugged him, resting her cheek on his chest.

She felt perfect in his arms, and in that moment he knew he didn’t want to lose her. Ironic how he hadn’t thought twice about moving on from one no-strings-attached relationship to the next without realizing what he truly wanted. What he needed.