Page 56 of Blind Trust

“Eva?” The way Finn said her name in that deep, husky tone made her shiver. She couldn’t tear her gaze from his, and when he slowly stood, her heart thudded wildly with anticipation.

“We shouldn’t,” she whispered as he drew her to her feet.

“Why not? What’s wrong with one kiss?”

The only thing wrong with one kiss was that it made her long for two kisses. Three. And more. Yet she couldn’t find the strength to push him away. Finn pulled her close gently, and she willingly wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him toward her.

“Yes,” she whispered as he stared at her for a long moment. “One kiss.”

His mouth caressed her lips, and she knew in that moment that one kiss would never be enough. Clinging to Finn’s broad shoulders, she reveled in the kiss, memorizing his touch, his taste, his musky aftershave.

The sound of a car door slamming outside startled them both. Instantly Finn lifted his head, reaching for the weapon on his hip with his right hand while pushing her behind him with the other.

She heard the jangle of keys and put her hand on Finn’s arm. “It’s Pete.”

Finn didn’t lower his weapon as he cautiously approached the door to peek through the window. Eva ran her fingers through her hair, hoping Pete wouldn’t notice what he’d interrupted even as she tried to understand Finn’s motive behind the kiss.

* * *

Pete’s timing was awful, but Finn told himself to get over it. Still, it wasn’t easy to focus with his head full of Eva’s citrusy scent.

Abernathy appeared next to Finn. The K-9 must have heard the sound of Pete’s arrival and had come down from the master bedroom in response.

“Heel,” Finn commanded as he holstered his weapon. Abernathy sat on his haunches and looked up at Finn, waiting for the next command. “Stay.”

The door swung open, revealing a tall, dark-haired twenty-eight-year-old man standing there. Pete looked surprised to see them as he crossed the threshold.

“What’s going on?” Pete demanded. “Did something happen with Mikey since we last spoke?”

“No, everything is fine.” Eva’s smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, and Finn wondered if she thought that Pete held her responsible for Mikey’s kidnapping.

“Thanks. It’s good to be home.” Pete dropped his carry-on duffel bag on the floor and eyed Finn curiously. “And you are?”

“Officer Finn Gallagher. This is my partner, Abernathy.” Finn didn’t offer his hand as he gestured toward the kitchen table. “Take a seat. I have a few questions, if you don’t mind.”

Pete frowned and rubbed his hand over his lower jaw. “Now?”

“It won’t take long and then I’ll be on my way.” Finn’s tone was firm.

There was a long pause as the two men stared at each other. Finn could tell Pete wanted to tell him to shove off, but managed to maintain his cool.

“Fine. Give me a minute to check on my son.” Pete brushed past Finn on his way toward the staircase leading to the second floor.

“He’s in your bedroom,” Eva called after him.

Pete raised a hand, indicating he’d heard.

She rounded on Finn, her blue eyes flashing with anger as if the amazing kiss they’d shared hadn’t happened. “I told you to give him some time.”

“And I need to do my job.” He tried not to take her verbal attack personally. As a cop he knew what needed to be done, and if Eva didn’t understand that, then maybe their kiss had been a mistake.

An uncomfortable silence hung between them, and he tried to think of a way to ease the tension. He was about to apologize, for what he wasn’t sure, when he heard the sound of Pete’s footsteps.

“Mikey seems fine,” Pete said, his voice husky with emotion. “I owe you both a debt of gratitude for finding him so quickly.”

“Oh, Pete.” Eva rushed over to give her brother-in-law a quick hug. “Finn and Abernathy get the credit for finding Mikey. I just hope you’ll forgive me.”

“I told you, it’s not your fault.” Pete returned her hug awkwardly, patting her back before breaking away to face Finn. He crossed his arms over his chest and asked, “What do you want to know?”